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Weston Hanners

@paul What are the odds they did this to test the waters? If there was too much backlash, they could just say it was a “technical issue” and wash their hands of it.

@weston “they” didn’t do anything 😉 paul did.

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


The Cult doesn't care about, contemplate, or respond to backlash. They do whatever tf they want. Period. With no repercussions. Period.

Jari Pennanen

@weston @paul Did you read the article? Paul changed API keys, Twitter did nothing to restore it.

Twitterrific (iOS) is still blocked.

This is Paul doing a sneaky trick, that by some accords might be against the TOS. He is taking a literal risk there because he loves his users.

Sander Soots

@mattmarenic @paul latest? Tweetbot 5.3.3 is dead for good it seems.


@mattmarenic @paul you just force-close app (if you haven't tried that) and then try again

Matt Marenic

@based @paul I have to re-authorize both apps (iOS, Mac) for some reason and of course I get error when trying to receive confirmation code.

Mark Blumenthal

@mattmarenic @paul is the authorize screen just reloading after you enter handle and password? Try opening the page in Safari and entering credentials there. Worked for me.

Matt Marenic

@mysterypollster @paul No luck for me, always getting sam error page no matter where I try to open it.

Guess, I have to wait or switch to official app (and I hate it). Even Spring iOS app has stopped working. Can't post from them, only DM. really fuck up everything he touches.


@ophiocephalic @paul looks like Twitter killed the new API keys? It was working and not back go not (ノ°益°)ノ


@sparx @paul no they started using more limited APIs

Casey Sprague

@paul blah. Was so excited thinking Twitter reverted the change. Thanks for fighting.

Ross 🍂 :verified_gay:

@paul I’m sorry Twitter is being bollocks! I subbed to Tweetbot to ensure your receive some funds during all of this ordeal!

Marco Rodrigues

@paul I mean the good news here is we still get a superior browsing experience with Tweetbot.

the tautology system

@paul i know it's not ideal but even being able to *read* through tweetbot is a world of difference

Chase :ani_clubtwit:

@paul Thanks for the hard work and pushing out the update. I was able to sign in and can view my feed, but can’t post, retweet, or view individual’s feeds. Just sharing my experience FYI!


@paul Please add custom key support. Twidere X also did this years ago, and this app is still in App Store.

Eshu Marneedi

@paul Bravo. Now if only Twitter got rid of the arbitrary rate-limiting to make Tweetbot actually usable again.


@paul Something says to me that Space Karen will say it’s okay to finish like this. The state of restricted apps ok for them, because make a lot of uncomfortable user experience. And later some people switch to original app and will see an ads.

I think, you know it without me, but shure, need to say for others


@paul A little surprised you're playing games with the API keys now.

Also, are those low limits what all new 3rd party Twitter apps face? If so, that's pretty terrible from a "try to make a profit" perspective!


@paul Thank you for trying, but I think we all know that swapping in the API will be a temporary fix at best.

Myself? I've ripped off the Twitter band-aid and I have no intention of going back at this point.


@paul does this mean Tweetbot is back till the new API rate limit matures? Will you still develop Tweetbot?


@paul not really working. Still error messages stating unauthorized. Never mind, I’ve removed Tweetbot from my devices and will cancel my Twitter account shortly. Back with RSS and happy tootin on mastodon. Love the Ivory app already.

bangaroo 🦘

@paul honestly fuck that entire company at this point. what a clown show.

M.Coutts 

@paul kudos for doing that but you’ve just proven the crooked practices they’re taking part in. Ridiculous. It unfortunately feels like the writing is on the wall. I pray that either way, an answer is given.

Richard Hyland

@paul missing those elevated write limits unfortunately

Andrew Paulin

@paul 🫡 to all your Twitter accounts when you-know-who inevitably retaliates. Their sacrifice will be noted.

Stuart Breckenridge

@paul You took a punt on using different API keys?


@paul El Musko is running Twitter into the ground.


@paul this whole thing is just such a clown show. Sad that you and your users have been caught in the middle of all this 😔

Mike Hoff

@paul countdown until new keys are banned…

Suzy Richards

@paul Current IOS version is letting me read and like tweets. Can't tweet or reply as that throws up a rate limit error.

Chris Wood

@paul Wonderful. Even as a read only service is so much more relaxing and informative than the official app.

Arpi O.

@paul I purchased Tweetbot (also had Weightbot, Calcbot purchased) in 2013 from you. Been using since then on mac and iOS. Sadly lost trust in twitter, so I'm not using it anymore, but will wait patiently until you release Ivory, and will buy that as well. Why? Because they are all great products and they all worth to buy them. So thank you for your work!


@paul I'm happy to hear this, although sad it was due to your intervention and not theirs.

Tom Hagen

@paul good job, Sir. When you release Ivory, I will be happy to pay for it.

Curious Badger

@paul I guess at least you’ve proved it was more vengeful than kicking out *all* third-party access!

Really looking forward to Ivory. As a Tapbots user since 2012 (or earlier!) I’ll be there as a day one purchase/subscriber when that becomes an option.

I guess that also gives me time to learn how this all works and also consider hosting my own private server. I assume Ivory will work with *any* server, even self-hosted?


@paul Oh so you did end up switching the API key, so this is probably just a temporary respite. 😞 Not gonna lie, felt good to be back after having to use the Twitter client.


@paul Well that was quick, already blocked it looks like.

Tim Morgan

@paul It’s down. Thanks for the swan song.


@paul looks like the new key has been suspended now, it worked 5 minutes ago, but now I’m getting the same failure state as over the weekend.

Tim Haines

@paul is that 100k user tokens limit from years ago still a thing?

Richard Jones

@paul Andd then it was gone again 😔

Nico Reese

@paul and Twitter seems to have pulled the plug on this again. Just getting the same auth error as before.

Matt Cooney

@paul broke again. Was nice while it lasted!


@paul Annnnnndddd...billionaire bozo pulled the plug again. Was authenticated for about an hour and now it's disconnected again.

Jean-Francois Dufour

@paul it’s down again 😭 the fun lasted only a few hours. Kudos for going rogue with the api keys 😀


@paul LOL I logged in and refreshed timeline once, API was disabled next time I refreshed.

CJ Gaspari

@paul looks like twitter just disabled the new api keys you added. Would love an option to add my own key. Honestly would be funny to watch twitter run the hammer like whack a mole!

Michael Goodman

@paul have lost access again, this feels like the end 😔 but looking forward to saying hello to Ivory 😄

Mark Blumenthal

@paul I was able to authorize and update my timeline and lists, but now getting the “Unable to Access Account” message again. <sigh>

Steve Bellovin

@paul Not working for me on two different iOS devices…

Diego Barros

@paul looks like clients are failing completely, again. As of a few minutes ago.

Cảm ơn

@paul I still can’t get in, probably for the best..


@paul looks like is down again. Thanks for the attempt. Hopefully Twitter pulls their heads out of their asses soon and at least admits what they did.


@WeHartGames @paul And back to using the sucky Twitter App. 🤮

Eshu Marneedi

@paul Twitter just found out, probably because of this article. RIP.


@paul Not working for me… 🤷🏻‍♂️

@paul Elon can go fuck himself. I’m done with him, his endless online stupidity, the circus that results in anything he does, and his ball-gargling fan base. I don’t need Twitter, but inevitably they need us.

Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

And now dead again, along with some old unused API keys, which proves that this was intentional and we and others were specifically targeted.

I wouldn't have swapped out the keys in the first place if there was even a shred of communication. Figured if nothing else this would push the issue.

Oh well, on to smaller but greener pastures.

Sean C.

@paul appreciate all you’ve been doing the past few days


@paul The whole way they are handling this is..... cowardly

@paul given who's in charge over there, you're probably better off distancing yourself from the shit show, even if doing so is painful from a business perspective.


@paul to overcome this, i’m now trying to build a tool that syncs my timeline to a private mastodon server… to many of my contacts still use twitter sadly and i can’t live without tweetbot, but ivory as twitter client could be my solution :D


@paul hopefully some communication will be published during the work week. I really wanted to use Tweetbot. I subscribed today for the trial. Just heard about the app!


@rursache @paul this has been my thought too. Twitter can't stop us all!! Fuck elon

Eric Jennings

@paul what cowardly people they still have there who won’t own up to their actions and communicate them to you and the world.

Deacon Scott

@HitokiriEric @paul I’m sure they are all afraid of Elon’s wrath, understandably. Doesn’t make it right, but we all know who is calling the shots.

Professor Charles Haas

@paul Sorry to hear this. You had a great product. I suspect is now going to be virtually dead to me (might just check via browser occasionally if I get any pings)

Ben 🌹 :NERevs:

@paul I'm so sorry that this ecosystem you've contributed so much to is being torn apart brick by brick but I'm happy to see @ivory and I hope it's the future.

Alex 알렉스

@paul keep up the work on ivory. You have a big fan base that will totally understand

David Harrison

@paul No question at this point, including no question about their (or maybe HIS) cowardice. Just incredible.


@paul Fascinating. You need to be aware of the purpose behind playing with you like a little mouse. You may eventually be permitted back on the bird, but what will you have learned from the experience? What concessions will be required? How will your future behavior be tempered? What cooperation is being extorted?

Phil Amour

@paul sad times. I miss it when there were services with open APIs and people were building well designed and thoughtfully crafted premium clients, and making a living. Everything nowadays is just about engagement, maximizing revenue and manipulating people to click ads.

If there’s a Patreon, I’ll happily be a backer. The world needs more delightful 🤖 apps

Rob Prior

@paul onwards and upwards! Looking forward to the first release of @ivory and then the journey as it evolves 🙂

Suzy Richards

@paul Is there a limit on API keys you can have? Idly wondering whether each subscription user could have a unique key so they'd have to play whack a mole...

Adam Williams

@paul wondered how quick it would be. meanwhile idiot in chief tweeting about transparency

Karen Friesen

@paul thank you for the years of Tweetbot; it made Twitter a pleasure to use!

Susan :potion_lesbian:

@paul I plan to swap my subscription across to Ivory when it’s live. I truly hope enough do as well. Tapbots apps are a staple in my phone.

David Woje :podcast:

@paul I’ve used tweetbot since iOS 6, so a decade-ish? I feel I need a memorial ceremony when I delete it, the best way to experience twitter imho. Thanks @paul and @tapbots for all the love you put into it. Excited for the future.

Mark Veldhuis :ivory_elephant:

@paul Appreciate the effort. If Tweetbot is still in the App Store next month, I will renew my subscription, wether it's working or not.


@paul time to swap in one of the keys the official apps use, just for kicks?

Josh Pennington 👨‍💻

@paul Is it possible to just support individual users putting in their own api credentials? Seems like they’d have a hard time shutting down thousands of applications all at once? (If a user can an individual still make API credentials- It’s been awhile)

Kevin Mulhall

@paul I will gladly continue to support you through a subscription on Ivory. As long as Tweetbot isn’t working, I’m no longer checking Twitter. If it’s dead, I’m done.

Tom Hagen

@paul finally Tweetbot’s been re-banned. Thank you sir for all your efforts. Bring to life Ivory as soon as posible and fuck off twitter.

Je 🐘

@paul the app works for like 4h and then was blocked again 😫


@paul My tweetbot subscription is ready and waiting for @ivory when you’re ready!


@paul Thanks, it worked long enough to full down 3d worth posts.

Radd Berkheiser 🇺🇦

@paul With the loss of Tweetbot, I am now done with Twitter entirely. I’m so sorry that this happened to you, especially the way it happened. Very much looking forward to Ivory, hopefully soon.


@paul Jesus, what a fucking shitshow. I'm sorry.


@paul thanks for all the work on it over the years. One of the few subs that felt like the least I could do. Looking forward to @ivory, just wish I knew more people on here lol.


@paul Ridiculous behaviour but sadly not surprising at this point. I feel for app developers though.

Matthew Snyder

@paul I was able to use Tweetbot for a short bit, now it says it can’t authenticate me.

This is some BS.

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