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Andrew Tropin

I've been working as a FOSS developer full-time for almost 3 years new and I find it fulfilling, meaningful, enjoyable and just awesome.

Due to forced migration my expenses have increased significantly, my savings aren't infinite either, but I would like to keep working on FOSS full-time and to do so I decided to make an ethical sustainable business.

I don't know how to achieve it yet, but I'll be sharing my journey on the streams.

David Wilson

@abcdw Good luck! I am also aiming to go independent this year and make a living from FOSS project work and creating educational content.

I'll be curious to see what you do! Let me know if there's any way I can help

Sahbak REPL

@abcdw good luck, too bad that you had to imigrate, but perhaps that also opened some opportunities, which hadn't been there before. Honestly, it's still a bit of a mystery to me how one can earn a living on FOSS, therefore I'll be following your progress very closely! 👍

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