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Anil Dash

Okay, here's a remarkable thing about the fediverse: I was able to seamlessly move my followers to a new server, and the vast majority of them *never even noticed* that it happened. About 24 hours ago, I decided to move from mastodon[dot]cloud (because it had been bought up by sketchy new owners), and I came to @medium's new instance. At that time, I had 25,829 followers, and now less than 24 hrs later, I have 22,648 followers on this new account — without them having to do anything.

Anil Dash

The entire migration process took me a couple of minutes (basically, you just tell your new account that you want to migrate from your old one, then tell your old account where you're going). Now, I think this may be one of the largest follower migrations in fediverse history, so there was a little bit of weirdness in some apps and the website in terms of getting a *ton* of notifications (tens of thousands of follows) but after that settled, it was smooth sailing. And invisible to followers.

Evan Prodromou

@anildash what about your follows? Did it happen automatically too?

daniel s.

@evan @anildash i think you have to export and import those

Anil Dash

@evan no, but that's just an easy import/export of a CSV file.

Carlo Piana 😼

@anildash @evan would it work even if your current server goes south without notice? I am under the impression the old server needs to remain up and running for at least a short while, correct?


@anildash @carlopiana @evan ostensibly that old server could decide to be vindictive and revert your webfinger redirect (sorry if I used terms incorrectly here), right?

Anil Dash

@innonate @carlopiana @evan oh yeah, it’s not protocol-level accountability, it’s a nicety of mastodon implementation


@anildash @carlopiana @evan anyone working on abstracting this? N00b here but I assume there’s a DNS-like proposal out there.

Anil Dash

@innonate @carlopiana @evan yeah there are protocol proposals but they’re not in production yet

Stygian Lizard

@carlopiana @anildash @evan So basically, export your follows periodically, just in case? (I also have no idea how to do this, but I'm hopeful there's an article about it somewhere.)


@anildash you know who else had one of the largest follower migrations in history? Jesus

Mark Shane Hayden

@anildash @kfan he is at @jesus but they migrated before Mastodon so it was a bit more of a process

Pax Ahimsa Gethen 🏳️‍⚧️


The one thing I have had to update for you and others who have migrated is to re-add you to the custom lists I've set up.

Anil Dash

@funcrunch oh that's good to know! I hadn't realized it would break those features.

Aswath Rao

@anildash @funcrunch If we allow "bring your own acct URI", then many of these issues would go away. We fought so hard for number portability in PSTN, but now we just ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. I am not sure whether it is possible to migrate from Mastodon to Pleroma.
Of course nobody talks about loss of posts and that also can be fixed.

Chris Ainsworth

@funcrunch @anildash ahh, good to know, I had no idea that migration lost placement on a list. That might get cumbersome if folks start hopping around.


@anildash right now, other than moving *away* from the ownership structure of your previous server, is there upside in me moving to or somewhere else?

Anil Dash

@hunterwalk good question. I think thriving masto instances have interesting "local" timelines, of those others who are on the same server as you. Right now the Medium instance is quiet since there's only a few of us on here, but I can imagine it'll be fairly interesting once they start bringing writers over. I do also like their content moderation policies and it is way more up to date mastodon software than the .cloud instance, so there are new features too.


@anildash got it. has anyone written anything interesting on theories for how "your server" will/won't matter over time?

Jon Sagara

@anildash I wondered if I would have to manually follow you on the new server. Stoked that I didn’t have to.

live, laugh, loni

@anildash at first i was sceptical of the claimed record-breaking scale but then i remembered u invented blogging


@anildash I really love how forwarding works, it's really slick

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