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Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

I think the thing that bothers me the most is the lack of communications. If you are going to kill people off, own it. Don't just do it and act like nothing has happened.

Even during the darkest Twitter 1.0 days they were pretty open about what they were doing. I remember getting a call prior to the 4 quadrants token limit where they explained what was going to happen and answered questions. I wasn't happy but at least felt there was respect.

Tom Bridge

@paul it’s just cowardice on their part at this point. Cravenness.

Lucas Janin

@paul Elon != respect :-(. No surprise unfortunately. Happy user of @ivory !

monorail times

@paul it’s clear they are unstable, and don’t care about devs who use the API, I wouldn’t go back personally if they reverted


@paul You act like there’s some sort of platform they could use to communicate this stuff to a wide audience. 😝

Michael Cook

@paul I really expected at least a tweet announcing it, possibly with some reason.

I never thought it would be silently turned off.

Rachel Crowl

@paul FWIW, I’ll happily switch my subscription over. Happily.

Sean C.

@paul this is what is so ballsy even for Elon about this — normally he’s proud of being a dick.

Tim Morgan

@paul what they have done has some real Tesla FSD Bay Bridge vibes.


@paul I think in Musk’s eyes third party apps don’t make him money. He will want to make it seem, that he’s doing this to eliminate revenue loss. But in the end it’s his own fault. He knows he overpaid for twitter and he is now going scorched earth to keep the app afloat not understanding that he’s destroying the service or perhaps doesn’t even care.


@paul As soon as I can swap over to @ivory I will gladly do so.

Jamie Steven

@paul I bet ya sell a ton of copies of Ivory— the need for a good third party client is greater here.

Matt Cooney

@paul he doesn’t care about devs (or users, for that matter). Just stuffing his ego and trying to recover some of his money.


@paul This must be so frustrating. Ugh.

James Stanton

@paul Its honestly been a relief today, despite my having absentmindedly clicked on Tweetbot a dozen times. I’ve wanted to stop supporting them, but just been habituated to still checking it. Hopefully this brings more people over here

That Nonproductive Guy

@paul Why is it that some 3rd party apps are still working? Is it a matter of old vs new API or cutting off specific developers?

Lee Mifsud :pika:

@nonproductive @paul I think it’s apps with the most users because it only seems to be the popular apps that are affected.

That Nonproductive Guy

@Leee @paul Which almost makes it appear to have been targeted instead of just someone “tripping over a server plug.” 😖

Lee Mifsud :pika:

@nonproductive yeah it does look that way unless the apps with the most users have their own API or something. I don’t know how stuff like they works 🤷🏻‍♂️

That Nonproductive Guy

@Leee Me neither :(
I just checked on my phone - TweetBot and a Twitterrific are both dead. Aviary and Spring seem to be working (though all I did was try to refresh the feed)

mark dorison

@paul I wish I could say I was surprised. We are rooting you on here!

Wayne Dixon

@paul I can totally see how this would be the most frustrating part. Even if they only have two weeks notice, you’d at least know and plan. But flying by the seat of his pants seems to be the owner’s prerogative.


@paul This is why (embarrassingly, because I should’ve gotten here faster) today was the day I logged out of all active sessions and deleted apps from my phone. The lack of respect is just disgusting.

Conlan Spangler

@paul Like so much about Twitter these days, it’s disgraceful.

Matt Cooney

@paul but anyway, end of an era. I remember my excitement when I got my iPod touch way back when (too poor for an iPhone). was the first app I installed.

Steven Woolgar

@paul yes, but in those days things were sane. Elmo just goes for the most awful everything at all times.


@paul At this point I'd be happy to be make a one-off payment to get a special edition version of Ivory. Heck, I once paid $50 for just to get off Twitter.

Bill Childers

@paul Rooting for you folks. Y’all have always made awesome products and I’m looking forward to handing you over some dough for Ivory. Keep at it, I know the behavior of the Twithead is disappointing but deft hands and a pure heart always triumph in the end. I don’t mind a few rough edges, cause I have faith you’re gonna file them off in short order. 👍🏻

Richard Diaz

@paul the lack of communication is probably intended. Causes confusion, leads people to the main app, and keeps devs scrambling to give the benefit of the doubt to what now seems like a bad faith actor.

Some communities will hopefully move here, but it’s a bummer that it doesn’t apply to all. Thank you for the work you do with Ivory, and you’ll have the support of many that now you quality.

Ged Maheux

@paul Yep, exactly. It’s VERY out of character too for him not to brag about stuff he’s done on Twitter so that makes even less sense but the lack of any head’s up is just pathetic.

Phil Wilson

@paul you can kind of tell that he avoids hard conversations in his general work and life.

David Wilkinson

@paul I just got a notification from Apple that my Tweetbot subscription was ready to renew. I'm happy to let that go through to help support you guys. I fully expect to be paying for Ivory real soon now.

gh0sti :pika:

@paul yea the no comms is unprofessional at most.


@paul You underestimate the assholery that is Elongated Musket.

Elizabeth Tai :verified:

@paul Just waiting for the ok to download. rooting for the Ivory team and hopefully one day it will come to Android too ;)

Iván Cavero Belaunde

@paul And dude has the balls to spit out a midday post with “Transparency builds trust.” Insult to injury.


@paul Sadly, with all the contracts they are breaking, rents they aren’t paying, etc., it’s just one more log on the bonfire.

His best option to not lose his shirt is to blow up every contract he can, make people sue him for what they’re due, and settle for cents on the dollar.

Adam Williams

@paul i think saddest thing of all is them/him not even realizing official mwc ckient is so out of date it doesn’t even support twitter blue and 3rd party ckient users are prominently mac. they efffecticely killed 8.7% of user base they were making money off of. even if through the api and not their dogshit client. and that’s not to include max only brands will likely not use their ckient either and may bounce and pull ads. hell i hope apple does.

Adam Williams

@paul ugh so may auto correct typos. oh well.

Stephen Mott

@paul is there anyone left to notify you? Probably a sub system has died & no one knows what it is or how to fix it..

Tim Johnsen

@paul such bullshit, so sorry this is happening to you guys

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