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remote procedure chris

hot covid minimizing fuck, apparently an osha emergency standard submitted to joe biden had stated that covid "presents a grave danger in every shared workplace in the United States" and then revised it, on joe's request, to only be about health care workers


@chrisisgr8 that’s just depressing. I would like to know the exact moment when all leadership collectively gave up. Like, was there some data that they looked at and were like, “yeah, we’ll never beat this, so we’re not gonna try.” Or did they all decide the economic cost was too high? I have trouble buying that it was the economic argument because sure, maybe in the short term there some selfish economic benefit to pretending it all away, but I feel like the long term damages are just unfathomable. “Hey, that’s cool you didn’t die, sucks about the whole not being able to do your job anymore because of long covid though”

@chrisisgr8 that’s just depressing. I would like to know the exact moment when all leadership collectively gave up. Like, was there some data that they looked at and were like, “yeah, we’ll never beat this, so we’re not gonna try.” Or did they all decide the economic cost was too high? I have trouble buying that it was the economic argument because sure, maybe in the short term there some selfish economic benefit to pretending it all away, but I feel like the long term damages are just unfathomable....

remote procedure chris

@MattyZero my expectation is it's somewhere within the range of human stupidity (ie joe was like 'idk it seems not that bad' and everyone went along with it) and thinking they could just make it another "catastrophic american badthing that we can afford to ignore like all the other catastrophic american badthings." sooner or later they'll find out it's harder to ignore than they expected

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