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Emma H :blobcatcoffee:


I guess we'll see if Mark Zuckerberg is okay with capitulation to BJP fascists.

Maximilien :omgdotlol:

@Gargron What we have to keep in mind is that not Mastodon ;)

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron Will that result in huge numbers flocking to Mastodon and then the major instances being banned too?


@Gargron nothing but a bunch of corporate liberalism. this would actually be good for their population - especially children who they are marketing towards.

Aaron Garcia :v21:

@Gargron if I lived in India, I wouldn’t be a fan of the ban. I don’t like governments telling me what websites I can visit. It’s like the TikTok ban. I didn’t even use TikTok before; so I downloaded it! After a few days I uninstalled it. Still.

mentega terbang 🦋

@Gargron Indonesia will do the same with new regulation. Actually, the regulation starts to take effect at 24 May, but Indonesian gov postponed it until the end of this year.

TL;DR: companies should register as Private Electronic System Operator and give their data to gov. If companies don't comply, Indonesia gov will block them.


@Gargron I can't see these "giants" complying.

These giants are also empires and empires don't recognize any other authority but their own. I.e. they banned the former president which, just, shouldn't have been possible.


I wish it's blocked in my country. People are too reliant on whatsapp from students, business, to government.

white men can't CEO

Should be banned everywhere. Every multi-billion dollar platform (is wise to focus NOT on number of USERS, but instead on number of DOLLARS these entities are making with their ¨free¨ services) ... any multi-billion dollar wannabe-multinational has NO ROOM for excuses. The #fascistbook platforms really are perpetuating murder and genocidal abuse... not just in Palestine but everywhere with all the money Trump´s guys let them make.



Good, let the competition kick in!



@Gargron No dueling reality information ecosystems for them I guess.

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