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If I understand you correctly those clients would need to migrate first before you could?

Sounds like a chicken-and-egg problem to me 😿

@aral @epilepticrabbit


What I could imagine, though, is to POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere).

But I don't know Medium's ToS OTOH.

@aral @epilepticrabbit

Doug Belshaw

@RyunoKi @aral @epilepticrabbit Yeah, I do that personally, but what is good for individuals isn't always good for organisations. I appreciate your concern (and challenge) though!

Another example would be our attempts to move from Google Workspace to Nextcloud last year. We tried at length to create useful workflows that wouldn't get in the way of our existing client work. But, despite helpful people showing us things, it just didn't fit.

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