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Eugen Rochko

I'm afraid that I still don't speak Spanish so the lively discussions going on in my mentions for the past few hours are lost on me.

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@Gargron la has liao parda Eugenio. Pero la visa tiene solución


@Gargron la has liao parda Eugenio. Pero la cosa tiene solución


@Gargron but u can always discuss in your native language. Dont u think?

Sam the Octopus

@Gargron from what I can gather it's terfs being terfs so you're not missing much


@Gargron We are talking about unjustified censorship in

Claudia Perez

@Gargron We're sorry for that. The topic is based on freedom of expression and its limits. Most of us, the people who came from Twitter --once a lot had been banned or theirs accounts cancelled-- are pretty persuaded that Mastodon also lacks of free expression; the difference with TW being that they cancel and also make nuisance of itself.


@Gargron vielleicht... und ich sage VIELLEICHT, statt einem anmaßenden Dummkopf zu glauben (besonders einem, der Scheiß über seine eigene Leute spricht), andere Menschen zuerst fragen musst.


Better not learn believe me. It doesn't worth it

Aaron Garcia

@Gargron a filter or better yet an auto translate feature would be good.


@Gargron I can translate for you but basically was a large “that’s not nice!” And “yes it is” in reply. Tag me if you need a translator. If I’m online I can help you :)


@Gargron ...can you put up a translate button?


@Gargron use it is 100 times more accurate than Google Translate

Shahaan 🇨🇦

@Gargron Ah, what I wouldn’t give for a fully-functional universal translator like they have in Star Trek. It would help to *bridge* the gap. Pun intended. 😄


@Gargron if you did not know spanish you cannot moderate spanish discussions because you gonna loose the context. I think is easy to understand.


@Gargron Well some of us talk english so feel free to ask anything 😅

Una visión soviética

@Gargron I think you should try a little, at least using a translator before closing an account happily.
Thank you

Eugen Rochko

Since this seems to be a point of confusion, while I personally do not speak Spanish, other members of the moderation team on do.

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