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ASP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Someone should boost this towards the instance. *cough* @streamofron *cough*
I think there are some very competent former birdsite employees hanging around there

Thomas H Jones II

@ASP @Mastodon @streamofron

Having known a couple, the very competent ones were pulling +3x what was shown for the DevOps position, though.

ASP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Mastodon @streamofron

Please keep in mind that these are figures for Berlin. Its bit tricky to compare because income tax and taxes for healthcare/social security/pension system are handled differently. Also the general circumstances of living and working in Germany vs the US are probably different. See for reference:

Thomas H Jones II

@ASP @Mastodon @streamofron

But the point is, since your suggestion was "there's former Twitter personnel available" to take on 100% remote jobs (without qualifying by saying *just* the much smaller, European portion of that pool of ex-Twitter personnel), there's an implication of at least *some* US-based ones would be referenced in that availability-pool. As such, US realities apply to those US-based elements of the potential hiring pool.

ASP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Mastodon @streamofron

It is of course easier to benefit from positive aspects of the European labour market, healthcare and social security systems if you actually live there. The same is true for non-US citizens who are considering to move to the US for an interesting job.

I did not mean to deceive anyone. I just wanted to help spread the word and thought this info might be of interest to some former Twitter employees who are on That is all.

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