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Clayton Dewey

@Mastodon Exciting! Especially that you're hiring an in-house product designer. <3

phil :eagles:

@clayton @Mastodon for $60k usd idk who's gonna come in and do an adaquate job tbh!

Thomas H Jones II

@pbuck @clayton @Mastodon

Oof... that'd be a six-figure cut from what my particularly-competent peers make. It's hard to recruit even with significantly-higher budgets. Yeah, we live in an expensive hiring region, but even in lower cost regions, salaries for worthwhile DevOps experts is still significantly more than what's posted. Not trying to be snarky, but are there places in Germany that are cheaper to live than, say, the rural Midwest or south (but have meaningful broadband)?


@ferricoxide @pbuck @clayton @Mastodon generally i see european developer salaries are low compred to the us, could be they have lower expenses? Housing and food in my area is ridiculously high now (nashville tn). Kubernetes and Terraform expertise is still a big ask anywhere for 48-60 euros.


I'm from Germany and actually the offered salary is absolutely adequate for the position. Of course Berlin is not the cheapest city in Germany for living. Of course you can earn much more, in some companies. But you have to consider that mastodon is a non-profit organisation.
@clayton @Mastodon

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