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I'm not sure I understand the question exactly. This is the workflow and final result in the app. Happy to answer any questions.
@ShredderFeeder @apps


@unusualplan Do you have to belong to each instance you can see? I assume not, but just checking.


No, you do not need to belong to those instances.


@unusualplan Do you find yourself using it much? So many of the bigger instances are so general, I am not sure just what value it brings (except for the relatively small and topically focused communities)


I use it in only two cases

1: a music band-specific instance with 350 members. It's mostly on topic or close enough, has members I know ex-Twitter. I read it regularly.

2. Only dip in occasionally, usually when there's a big news event and my regular timeline isn't keeping up with my new news addiction :-) I have used it also to find new journalists to follow in my Home.

In general, though, I agree with you that most local timelines aren't helpful to follow.

I use it in only two cases

1: a music band-specific instance with 350 members. It's mostly on topic or close enough, has members I know ex-Twitter. I read it regularly.

2. Only dip in occasionally, usually when there's a big news event and my regular timeline isn't keeping up with my new news addiction :-) I have used it also to find new journalists to follow in my Home.

Brewster Brownville replied to The Febrile Muse

@shoq @CMDoran @unusualplan is it possible to follow that with the Metatext app?

unusualplan replied to Brewster Brownville

I don't know that app personally, as I'm on Android. There's a Google Sheet comparison of features across all platforms that I can't locate but has been posted here.
@shoq @CMDoran

The Febrile Muse replied to Brewster Brownville

Idk abt metatext, but can in Fedilab. What it looks like:
@shoq @unusualplan

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