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Ben Ramsey

Folks who have stuff:

How do you keep dust off your stuff? Are you constantly dusting?

I know this sounds like a joke, but I’d really like to know how to keep dust from accumulating with minimal effort.


@ramsey on opposite ends of a seesaw are my hate for dust and my hate for dusting. I do have an air purifier and central air. The filters help pull the dust out of the air a bit, and I try to reduce the surfaces that dust can collect on that are uneven like tops of books, or shelves, with lots of little corners and edges.

Ben Ramsey

@booc0mtaco We have central air with good filters.

Chris Wiegman

@ramsey I dust our house 2-3 times a week and it still ads up. It's not as bad here, though, as it was in our first apartment which was near a quarry or in Hawaii with the burnings but... it still gets annoying. Swifter dusters work great though.

Ollie Read :elephpant:

@ramsey I, too, would like to know these secrets. We have two kids, two cats, and a dog, so I feel that im fighting a losing battle.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

@ramsey we... just let it accumulate. 3 or 4 times a year we dust, typically when having company.

My parents used to have me dust weekly. It always felt so pointless. Letting it accumulate means you get a feeling of accomplishment when you DO do it - you can see the difference.

Though there's also feelings of self-loathing and disgust. But those are usually fleeting.

Ben Ramsey

@ocramius @mwop We do the same, actually, and I had the same experience as a kid—I dusted weekly. I feel better knowing I’m not the only one who lets it sit.

Sean Coates

@ramsey For a small advantage against dust accumulation, we bought bookshelves with glass doors. My glassware is also in a cabinet with doors.

This helps keep most of the dust out of those areas, at least.

I treasure the dust on my cellar bottles. Embrace it sometimes? (-:

Sander van Kasteel

@ramsey I have central air with decent filters, which already helps a lot.

But other than that, my vacuum robot does it's rounds on a daily basis and I wipe everything weekly. That's it, that's all I do and that's good enough for me and my cat.


@ramsey less furniture and stuff hanging on the walls. Then all the dust is on the floor and a robot vacuum cleaner can clean it. Unfortunately dust aggregates even on the walls if they have texture (e.g. orange peel, wallpapers) so the battle is quite furious 🙈

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