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Comrade Ferret

@vicgrinberg I thought white dwarves didn't explode, just very slowly burned out? And isn't oxygen formed in fusion during a star's life in the main sequence?

Dr. Victoria Grinberg

@comradeferret most don't - but then they also don't distribute their materials. Some do - if they get extra material from a neighbouring star and become too large. Or if two of them collide. They are the ones that are the origin of the corresponding elements on earth!
And yes, it's formed during ghe nuclear burning - but again, to distribute the material around, the star need to explode!


@comradeferret White dwarf stars can explode (in an event called a type Ia supernova) if they gain mass beyond the stable limit for a white dwarf, either by merging with another white dwarf, or by absorbing material from a companion star.

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