I just discovered they ruined Mastodon in the last version update much worse than I estimated.
I was unpleasantly surprised they made that stupid "endless scrolling" which is the worst bullshit in web ever. and it does not work without JS anymore. which is a crime, for sure. but that's not all, as it turned out.
it turned out that now one cannot just copy the post link on Mastodon to share it, as it always was in all Fediverse platforms. they have faked post ids in their web interface and to find a real AP id for sharing a post one has to clickbait on their JS bullshit. and this is totally fucked up strategy of centralized social networks to spy on users. they got contracted the birdside infection.
some years ago I considered Mastodon as just another AP realization and I didn't mind it in any way. now I changed my mind. I see how they fall into the depths of commercial anti-user technologies targeted for marketing, spying on users and so on. and this is something utterly wrong. I see the first steps to the abyss and I don't think they're just a mistake. it is a conscious choice they made.
I have a tremendous experience in software and open source development and use and I can see such shit early enough to warn people around me. I leave this post here, I know publics will disagree, but they will see the results later. I was always right in such predicts.
#software #Fediverse #Mastodon #degradation
I was unpleasantly surprised they made that stupid "endless scrolling" which is the worst bullshit in web ever. and it does not work without JS anymore. which is a crime, for sure. but that's not all, as it turned out.
it turned out that now one cannot just copy the post link on Mastodon to share it, as it always was in all Fediverse platforms. they have faked post ids in their web interface and to find a real AP id for sharing a post one has to clickbait on their JS bullshit. and this is totally fucked up strategy of centralized social networks to spy on users. they got contracted the birdside infection.
some years ago I considered Mastodon as just another AP realization and I didn't mind it in any way. now I changed my mind. I see how they fall into the depths of commercial anti-user technologies targeted for marketing, spying on users and so on. and this is something utterly wrong. I see the first steps to the abyss and I don't think they're just a mistake. it is a conscious choice they made.
I have a tremendous experience in software and open source development and use and I can see such shit early enough to warn people around me. I leave this post here, I know publics will disagree, but they will see the results later. I was always right in such predicts.
#software #Fediverse #Mastodon #degradation