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David Penfold :verified:

My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing him.

Went out. Had a few drinks. Nice guy. He's a web designer.

Specialises in debugging.



You're 😎

That was a cracker ... an expensive cracker ... hope the toy was of the same quality! 😊

Svenskagen64.exe :blobhaj_flag_transgender: :trans_furr_white:

@davep I sighed hard enough to blow down at least 7 brick houses while pressing the boost button so hard it exploded >:c

Faye Loves Godzilla

@davep this joke is as old as Charlotte's web and I still love it


@davep Astonishingly bad/good. I salute you!


@davep I bet he had great stories about all of his entanglements!

Geoff 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@davep i found a penguin wandering around the streets, so I went to a police station with it, they told me to take it to the zoo.
The next day me and the penguin bumped into the police officer.
"I thought I told you to take it to the zoo?"
"I did. We had a great time. We're going to the cinema tonight."

Lynn McAlister UE

@davep This is an ongoing debate in my house: "Mum? Aren't you going to kill the spider?"/Me: "Why? Is it hurting you?"

Jorge Lopez

@davep I wonder what he thinks of Amazon’s Web Services

Chris Foreman

@davep, are you going to help him move next weekend?

Lady Greysmoke

hahahahaha. I can't kill them either. Out they go, unless they stay out of sight.

jonny sokko

Whats his favorite kind of tree? Oak? Spider oak?

David Penfold :verified:

I edited to add the debugging line. Not sure if it adds much πŸ€”

Harry Karadimas

@davep Great ! Now you are the Spider-man of the house.


@davep laugh of the day. And yes, the debugging line added a lot.

Funky Bob

@davep I love that every time this joke resurfaces, it's grown a little, become just a bit funnier :)

I have a couple itty bitty spiders that chill in the corner (whole body with legs is around the size of my fingernail). They do a pretty good job of pest control; every now and again I clean up old cobwebs in the corner and their pile of fruit fly and mosquito husks. I like my corner spiders
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