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Aral Balkan

Thinking more people are going to engage with you on mainstream social media “because everyone’s there” is like thinking people at a stadium concert are there to listen to you. It‘s only true if you’re one of the ones on stage. Not so much when you’re huddled in the nosebleeds.

Forget the numbers. Forget about “going viral” (leave it to the psychopaths in Silicon Valley to make virus-like behaviour aspirational). Embrace the joy of interacting with one another on a human scale.


Maria Bustillos


'Going viral' on social media is like winning a slot machine jackpot...

It's designed to happen once in a while to keep you gambling--and eventually, lose your whole stake


So much this! I don't care about numbers of likes, retweets, boosts, followers etc. People should only follow me if they enjoy what I post.

I also found the whole follow for follow movement to be utter trash that turned people into numbers. Not my thing at all and I try to take a simple few seconds typing to be interactive with someone's post versus just a half second tap that most just scan by in notifications.



@DaddyScruff @NoodMutt @aral - Yes! I'm here to hang out with friends, old and new - not boost social scores.


@zero @NoodMutt @aral my goodness! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to get to know you and @BamBam ! 🤗

Gavin Cortland

@BamBam @aral @NoodMutt @zero @DaddyScruff the challenge I always found/find on other social media is that if I followed everyone who follows me, I lose track of the people I really want to engage with. Here, the scope is the right size for me to have conversations, enjoy new people, but not be overwhelmed. Small is definitely the way to go for me.

Besides, y’all are cool people!

Pd Lietz


well said and it’s truth about aspirational behaviour- no thanks.

Joanna Bryson, blathering

@aral @1br0wn You can get better thinking done when you #thinkSmall (and a better quality of life), but don't disenfranchise people. Both types of system matter for different causes and capacities.


@aral "Forget about “going viral” (leave it to the psychopaths in Silicon Valley to make virus-like behaviour aspirational). " OMG SO TRUE!!!!!! LOL!!!


If you are on a centralised network to grab some short term benefit for yourself, you lure in other people to be victims of the whims and harms of that network. You are reinforcing the monopoly. You are 'causing' the problems.

"But there are more people on the Titanic than in the lifeboats"

Think longer term, and think community, not just of yourself.

The future is decentralised.

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