The Griphoi or #Griffins are hybrid creatures with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. They guard a treasure of gold by the border to Hyperborea. Griffins were popular decorations in #ancientGreek art, for example the helm of the statue of #Athena Piraeus.
@mythology #mythology #GreekRomanArt #GreekMythology #AncMed @antiquidons
The Harpyiai or Harpies were depicted as winged women, sometimes with ugly faces, or with the lower bodies of birds. They were the spirits/daimones of sudden, dangerous gusts of wind and were sent by the gods to snatch up people and things from the dark earth. A missing person was said to have been snatched by the #Harpies.
#mythology #GreekMythology #AncMed #GreekRomanArt
@mythology @antiquidons