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Takiro 🎨

Wait! Does that mean Adobe is scanning your stuff while you're still working on itβ€½


@Takiro @krita Yes, that's exactly what it means. They can follow the process and use that for machine learning.

Count Regal Inkwell

@irina @Takiro @krita Never have I been so glad to only ever use pirated Adobe shit.

Snapai :verified_dragon:

@vinesnfluff @irina @Takiro @Krita ok but it's possible that the piracy part may not actually remove the machine learning part. Depending on both Adobe and the piracy engineers, it may actually make it impossible to *opt out* of it.

Count Regal Inkwell

@Snapai @irina @Takiro @krita I mean, the machine learning requires the program to connect to the internet so it can feed Adobe's robot(presumably), and every pirate worth their salt knows to block any and all connections between a pirated application and the internet.

Takiro 🎨

@vinesnfluff Even pirating is too expensive for using it still costs you your dignity.

basisbit 🦈πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@Takiro @vinesnfluff Gimp and similar tools do exist. Also, many operating systems allow for disabling access to the internet for single applications, including Windows.

When I do have to use Windows, I have Windows 10 Firewall Control on the box to detect outgoing connects. I block almost every game that starts up that thinks it needs to talk to the Internet for some insane reason ... it's pretty much required for any pirated Adobe products to keep them from phoning home.
vergil iliescu

@Takiro @Krita The Adobe site specifically says they do this on files stored in Adobe Cloud, but not on files stored on your device. I don't know about "while you're working on it" - but I presume the answer is yes, if the file you are working on is being stored in the cloud. I've turned it off anyway of course.

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