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Andrew Tropin

How much tempting to have convenience at the price of freedom.

Matt J.


How amusing to think we have freedom.

Andres Moreno


If the question is about, for instance, Emacs vs. VSCode, then consider: the cider repl bogs down with long lines, which one needs when looking at tables with quite a few columns.

VSCode: no problem.

Solution: keep Emacs and use Clerk to display tables. Annoying.

If the question is wi-fi drivers for Guix for intel wifi, then very annoyed that non-guix is a pariah.

Haven't made the leap to Guix yet for this reason.

Andrew Tropin

@monkey1 My computational environment is almost free, thanks to Guix and GNU and it covers almost all my needs.

Trying to cut all the google tails from my cell phone and get a lot of setup work (which I'll need to repeat in future if I change phone again).

Andres Moreno


Yes, that is the correct thing to do. Life is short, however....

Good luck de-googling yourself!

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