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Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

Our Paint 0.1 is released for Linux! Yay!

Download at

Borderless canvas, nodes brushes, color management, wacom support, and more!

(I have no idea if it runs on your machine, but there's an AppImage if anyone wants to try, otherwise you can compile)

Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

@davidrevoy hi any chance you are able to test this program on your Linux setup?

David Revoy

@chengdulittlea Hey, I'll do! Congratz for releasing it 👍 And thank you for the GNU GPL v3 license.

Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

@davidrevoy :D now it's up to you guys to make some more interesting features

David Revoy

@chengdulittlea Pepper says "hi" in OurPaint 😉 (running the Appimage). Quick test, but it runs well, bravo. This V0.1 has a lot of options, I can't imagine the load of work to make this.

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