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Jessica Lam 👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍🎨

@markuswerle @Gargron i did not say it IS gossip, i said the interaction paradigm is LIKE gossip, if you can’t tell the difference I doubt this can be a productive discussion.

Sure, emails, might as well call them letters.

Markus Werle

@kangaroo5383 @Gargron we are not on Twitter where we split hairs, aren’t we?

Markus Werle

@kangaroo5383 @Gargron and as a C++ software developer I do know is-a-relationships as inheritance which means they behave LIKE their derived-from classes. So at least the concept of similarity (aka LIKE) might have a semantic that does not support your case.

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@markuswerle @kangaroo5383 @Gargron I actually support the addition of QT, but what you call “splitting hairs” is actually central to the issue.

This is a social technology in ways email’s Reply All or forwards are not, and it’d be foolish to ignore the human factor that is different from those contexts.

Perhaps what we need here isn’t opining about C++ class inheritance, but rather an understanding of human sociology?

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@markuswerle @kangaroo5383 @Gargron Because the purported issue with QT is its tendency to encourage performative quoting and attempts to “dunk on” or even brigade people — potentially with the quoter having many, many thousands of followers.

And, being social media, there is an asymmetry that can occur.

This is a question of how a technology’s implementation interfaces with human nature, not something so cut and dry as inheritance.

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