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zombie rotten mcdonald

@AbandonedAmerica here's what I mean: our house is a rickety old kind-of Victorian that was one of the first built in the neighborhood, by permit records. Built for a doctor, and the layout indicates he may have had patients visit. It was built in 1904 - yes, it was built balloon frame, but modified....It has WAY more windows than any house at the time, and likely more ghosts than we've ever seen. But it is a stately lady, standing proud on a corner of the East Side.

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Abandoned America

@zombierottenmcdonald I love stories like that and if you have any good distressed projects let me know if I can do before photos - and honestly I get discouraged by it too. But it's important to record because a) it's who we are, b) it is our present moment, and c) hopefully the sheer waste of it will change minds about wanton demolition. Not hopeful about c but it would be nice

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