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Eugen Rochko

In the ranking of the best TV show opening sequences, The Expanse has gotta be up there

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@Gargron In the ranking of statements that shouldn't be controversial, that should be up there, but then this is the internet...

They really do have a great opening sequence.

ὁ ἐς αἰεὶ φαέθων

@Gargron I really need to watch that show, I hear it's fantastic. One of these days for sure.


@Gargron And Neon Genesis Evangelion at the very top right uwu

Mr. Wilson

@Gargron Waiting for The Walking Dead 7 I will see this Expanse , thanks

Javier Sanz

@Gargron one of the best, great music and great effects


@Gargron look likes the mass effect saga. Great!!

Michael Mrak

@Gargron So lets hope that Bazos invests in another season.

Monika Sãrøha

@Gargron I'll watch the expanse after your recommendation

Bert Latamore

@Gargron My wife, Moire,& I are new to The Expanse. We are watching the first season on demand right now. Planetary Radio did a blog on it recently that got me interested. So far we are hooked.

Deadly Headshot

What about Mission Impossible or Thunderbirds?!

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