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Carl T. Bergstrom

@rwba I adore Australian magpies and currawongs. They have the most wonderful morning songs as well.

1 comment
Ross B from the oaty sea replied to Carl T. Bergstrom

@ct_bergstrom Indeed. I have read that a magpie's song is one of the most complex in the world, if not the most. Currawongs not as complex, bu very melodic. And currawongs are remarkable aeronauts. They can fly at high speed through a tangle of narrow openings. Wonderful birds.

I got to know ours because they came up to the back deck and used to steal the dog's food, so I would go out and let them know that they should beware of our demented Jack Russell who would make a meal of them in s heartbeat. I used to take kibbles (which was what they were after) and put some up on the handrail. They would watch as I did and as I made some distance they would fly in and swallow a few and then depart. I assumed to the nest.

@ct_bergstrom Indeed. I have read that a magpie's song is one of the most complex in the world, if not the most. Currawongs not as complex, bu very melodic. And currawongs are remarkable aeronauts. They can fly at high speed through a tangle of narrow openings. Wonderful birds.

I got to know ours because they came up to the back deck and used to steal the dog's food, so I would go out and let them know that they should beware of our demented Jack Russell who would make a meal of them in s heartbeat....

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