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Brian Dear

@reneestephen @JorgeStolfi @th0r5t3n @Gerego @rodhilton By all means, now document what telcos have done for years in terms of laying out careful PR promises of a rosy internet future for all, and receiving billions in taxpayer money for "rural high bandwidth" that's never been delivered, or the staggering amount of money Big Oil gets from taxpayers in terms of subsidies and abandoned well cleanup by the govt while Big Oil laughs all the way to the bank. Then there's the Pentagon...


@brianstorms Sure? Governments being captured by wealthy companies in any form is bad. No argument there!

Billionaires: bad.

@JorgeStolfi @th0r5t3n @Gerego @rodhilton

Brian Dear

@reneestephen @JorgeStolfi @th0r5t3n @Gerego @rodhilton

Paul McCartney: bad?
Steven Speilberg: bad?
Peter Jackson: bad?
George Lucas: bad?
Jim Cameron: bad?
Andrew Lloyd Webber: bad?
Rihanna: bad?
Jay-Z: bad?

Renée replied to Brian

@brianstorms Interesting you had to stick to just the entertainment industry to try to make your point! The vast majority of billionaires are *not* from this industry and are people whose names you do not know.

But if you think Hollywood and record labels haven't done some deeply shitty things, I have a whole handful of overtime and safety labour laws in destination locations to sell you, and the names of people maimed or killed on sets as a chaser.

@JorgeStolfi @th0r5t3n @Gerego @rodhilton

Cleopatra replied to Brian

@brianstorms @reneestephen @JorgeStolfi @th0r5t3n @Gerego @rodhilton
Yeah, pretty much.
You don't become an entertainment-billionaire by doing what you love and giving free tickets to the poor.

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