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Lt.Cpl Хуёвый Пчеловод

@dyslexxicon @rodhilton I shit you not - I had an SWE with "pentagon cyber experience" develop just that - plain HTML with 36 iframes that pinged corporate firewall endpoints...

"It's easy", he said, "just hit refresh every 30 seconds or so".

We let him go two days later, after he suggested we yolo firmware upgrade on all corporate switches with no backups or contingency planning...


@hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton
The Air Force just stopped using 8 inch floppies to store data a few years ago.

Ask anyone who has worked on govt. projects about how "bleeding edge" the tech stack generally is. I'm sure there is some scarily advanced stuff in the deepest depths of Langley or Ft. Meade, but the people working on it won't talk about it. If someone has a govt. job on their resume, they probably have held together systems written in a mix of VBA, COBOL, and Frontpage. /1


@hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton My prior job, until 2019, was with a bank that dealt with tax return processing. They had to maintain a 5.25 floppy disk for some requirements until about 2017 or so, and the data we got was mostly plaintext, length-delimited files.

Lee Porte

@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton though you do get some good software in that space that you can look at


@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton until not so long ago, the master key for the mainframe crypto cards had to be kept in three 3,5 floppy disks, handled by three different people (who should not know each other) in different safes.
Then, to recover the key they should come one by one to insert they floppy in an old thinkpad running OS/2. That thinkpad should be placed in a safe room with the keys stored in a safe protected by armed guards.


@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton

My mom was a computer operator for a large bakery and all she did was every 4 hours save a file from the as400 to a floppy, type some command and then move floppy to the Univac (or whatever). She did that for *years*.

⚛️✨HIGGS M. BOSON✨⚛️(Vee)

@gretared @LizardSF @hu_logic @rodhilton and here I thought working with shitty DOS installers on some even shittier HP thin clients was archaic work for the time I was doing it (seriously, Guitar Center could afford better for their retail tech). That's borderline using punch cards.

Kevin Granade

@gretared @LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton huh, I had a temp job printing out and manually collating delivery schedules on an AIX for a bakery about 20 years ago.

⚛️✨HIGGS M. BOSON✨⚛️(Vee)

@LizardSF @hu_logic @rodhilton I recently found an old floppy disk from when I went to a tech class in my community college times. That was when thumbdrives were still becoming a Thing™ and it cost, like $30 for a 1GB thumb drive.


@dyslexxicon @hu_logic @rodhilton
My wife handed me a key ring of USBdrives she used to store a few text files on for printing. They were 1TB each. She paid, like, 20 or 30 bucks for the set of 4.
I used to have a 45MB bernoulli cartridge that cost, I dunno, probably 100 bucks in 1990, and couldn’t believe I could fit “that much” data in a jacket pocket.

Simon Eilting

@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton ...plaintext, length-delimited files in a mix of IBM-specific encodings, some of which presuming the existence of decimal fixed point hardware? Because I seem to be having flashbacks to my time in the wonderful world of finance

Kevin Granade

@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton I worked on an avionics system about a decade ago. PCMCIA cards, CDs (in 2012! Also the system is definitely still in service!). All our software was written in C89 for *reasons*.
Yea, that stuff is super conservative.

Sparky Santos

@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton Fortran. We’d run Alpha Micros & back up to a washing machine sized Winchester device while archiving to VHS. Wish everyone a great holiday season.

Jin Kim

@LizardSF @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton I do miss having an entire software application fit into a single 3.5” floppy. Simple days. And not-so-simple days: I also remember software getting “so” big you needed to swap half a dozen of those in and out to install a single software app. #FloppyDisk


@jnskm @hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton The original Mac OS had the OS, the Finder, MacPaint, and MacWrite on a 400K floppy and running in 128K or RAM. Bill Atkinson was a genius. (Having a lot of the GUI in ROM also helped; it's why the Mac was much slicker to use, relative to hardware speed, than equivalent x86 systems running GUIs until probably the late 90s.)

⚛️✨HIGGS M. BOSON✨⚛️(Vee)

@hu_logic @rodhilton everything that you wrote in this toot is making my graphic designer soul scream in terror

Lt.Cpl Хуёвый Пчеловод

@dyslexxicon @rodhilton However bad you think it was - multiply it by 10... cause it didn't even fit on a single page - it had vertical AND horizontal scrollbars due to the fact that he wrote it for his 2K screen and it didn't fit on 1080p the rest of us used...

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