@dyslexxicon @rodhilton I shit you not - I had an SWE with "pentagon cyber experience" develop just that - plain HTML with 36 iframes that pinged corporate firewall endpoints...
"It's easy", he said, "just hit refresh every 30 seconds or so".
We let him go two days later, after he suggested we yolo firmware upgrade on all corporate switches with no backups or contingency planning...
@hu_logic @dyslexxicon @rodhilton
The Air Force just stopped using 8 inch floppies to store data a few years ago.
Ask anyone who has worked on govt. projects about how "bleeding edge" the tech stack generally is. I'm sure there is some scarily advanced stuff in the deepest depths of Langley or Ft. Meade, but the people working on it won't talk about it. If someone has a govt. job on their resume, they probably have held together systems written in a mix of VBA, COBOL, and Frontpage. /1