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Keith Daggett


The worst nightmare of the oligarch class is everyone suddenly demanding more money and not letting up.

This is why professional sports exist, and the glut of banal, mind numbing TV and movies; to pacify the rabble.

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊

@ktdoggett @rbreich
When he originally coined the phrase (supposedly), Juvenal used 'panem et circenses' as a pejorative not just for the rich who used it to sedate the masses, but for the masses who demanded entertainment and bread instead of pursuing wider aims. Everyone loves a parade...

But overwork and stress have at least an equally soporific effect. A person forced to work 14 hours a day is not going to have the time or energy to fight a system which is very efficiently killing them.


@ktdoggett @rbreich irony is that professional athletes demand more pay all the time, and get it.

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