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Christine Lemmer-Webber

If you're looking for a promising young developer at your organization may I recommend hiring @juliana

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Reasons why you might hire @juliana :

- She's cool
- She's made contributions to Guix and a few other FOSS projects
- Webassembly to RISC-V compiler internship say what
- She co-hosts a podcast sometimes which is pretty good
- You'd be helping out a smart translady figure out what's next
- I said so, it's a good idea


@cwebber @juliana woah rat made a wasm to riscv compiler :blobfoxfloofcute:

last senpai

@cwebber @juliana I apologize for injecting myself into the discussion, but there's a full frontal nudity in that profile. I would take it down while job hunting.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@big @juliana

she didn't ask me to make this post fwiw and probably is not normally searching from it

and also cool jobs don't penalize girls posting their lewds

takin' a break

@cwebber you're too sweet, thank you so much for this 💜

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