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Brent Toderian

Have you seen this one? Before & after of a brain after a 20 minute walk — illustrates why walking to work, or school, or just to get the intellectual juices flowing, has been strongly linked to better creative & intellectual performance.
Just one of MANY benefits of choosing to walk, for you and for society.
Design and build walkable cities.
#walking #cities #urbanism #WalkableCities #WalkToSchool #WalkToWork #city #cars

Jason Murphy

@BrentToderian respectfully, if you don't label what the colours mean, the pictires aren't useful. oxygen? lactic acid? carbon monoxide? could be anything.

Deborah Zanke (She/Her)

@BrentToderian this is no surprise to me. Days I can’t get out for a walk at lunch my creative productivity slips around 2:30 pm.


@BrentToderian John sent this to me a little while ago because in March 2022 I started going for walks every day. Whether it’s 20 minutes or 2 hours, it has helped me immensely, both physically and mentally. I also post my daily walk photos online to show off Vancouver while I’m out there. We’ve been car-free since 2014 so being healthy enough to go on longer walks now really helps. Also business-wise, it did totally help my productivity.

Lynda Thompson

@BrentToderian that’s great, however many disabled will become home bound with these strategies.

Ricki Tarr

@BrentToderian My husband and I usually go for a walk part way through his work day, and he always comments on how it helps sweep the cobwebs out of his head. It's intriguing to see the science that is behind it.

David Rosnow

@BrentToderian I find if I ride my electric skateboard to work my mind works better. My theory is that it tunes up my executive function because it demands lots of micro decisions.

El Gue

@BrentToderian „Es würde alles besser gehen, wenn man mehr ginge.
Sich tragen lassen zeugt von Ohnmacht, gehen von Kraft.“
J.G. Seume, 1802 🎩
(Everything would go better, if one would be more walking.
Being carried shows impotence, going shows power.)

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