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some people take this a step too far and try to isolate entire instances because they personally don't like the actions of one user.

With no due process.

Without even trying to understand the context.

Often without any good reason.

Sometimes, because of a conflict that *they* themselves have started.



such a trigger-happy policy goes much further than some individuals behaving like assholes.
It puts the whole Fediverse network and all its users in danger.

Fediverse instances connect to each other using a shared protocol, allowing people to see content posted on other instances.
That's what makes it *federated*, one big network that everyone can take part in.

But in order to work, this needs reliable connections between the instances. The more, the better.

When you defederate entire lists of instances without any thought, you disrupt this connection. This increases the chances that, if one of the remaining servers fails, the network will loose its connectivity and split into multiple "islands". Instances won't be able to talk to each other anymore.

Is this really a good outcome for anyone?


such a trigger-happy policy goes much further than some individuals behaving like assholes.
It puts the whole Fediverse network and all its users in danger.

Fediverse instances connect to each other using a shared protocol, allowing people to see content posted on other instances.
That's what makes it *federated*, one big network that everyone can take part in.


Apart from the technical reasons, it's also just.. toxic. It takes Twitter's horrible culture of dogpiling people based on made-up justifications and applies it to the Fediverse. It ensures that every tiny mistake results in a massive argument (which never does any good, it just hurts everyone who gets involved) and the blocking of entire instances.

This makes Fediverse a less safe and welcoming place for everyone.

I'm not even mentioning the fact that many of the people who were targeted this time are queer and/or disabled.
This is not a coincidence. This kind of "canceling" often harms people who are more vulnerable and don't have a massive platform the most. That's just how it works.


Apart from the technical reasons, it's also just.. toxic. It takes Twitter's horrible culture of dogpiling people based on made-up justifications and applies it to the Fediverse. It ensures that every tiny mistake results in a massive argument (which never does any good, it just hurts everyone who gets involved) and the blocking of entire instances.


@mayday Long twitter-like threads makes Fediverse even worse. If you can't form your idea in 3 sentences - either idea is a useless shit or you are.


@1lyaP I tried to explain why defederating instances sucks. That's the whole idea, in one sentence )


@mayday That one is much better than the whole thread 😉

@1lyaP @mayday > If you can't form your idea in 3 sentences

Bringing stupid Twitter culture over here, aren't we? ;)

Fediverse started without such artificially imposed limits. Who cares.

So, to sum up.

Please, be kind to each other. Don't jump to conclusions and don't try to start meaningless fights. Keep this place the nice, safe and friendly community that it is.

Reserve the for instances and users who actually deserve it.

If you personally don't like what a user says, you are always free to block/mute them. If you think they're doing something harmful, report them to their admin. Defederation is supposed to be the "nuclear option", not the go-to solution for every conflict.

Also, whoever thinks that is somehow " racist" (or whatever the accusations were) - just no. @drq and most people on here are absolutely amazing :blobcatheart:


So, to sum up.

Please, be kind to each other. Don't jump to conclusions and don't try to start meaningless fights. Keep this place the nice, safe and friendly community that it is.

Reserve the for instances and users who actually deserve it.

If you personally don't like what a user says, you are always free to block/mute them. If you think they're doing something harmful, report them to their admin. Defederation is supposed to be the "nuclear option", not the go-to solution for every conflict.


@mayday > When you defederate entire lists of instances without any thought, you disrupt this connection. This increases the chances that, if one of the remaining servers fails, the network will loose its connectivity and split into multiple "islands". Instances won't be able to talk to each other anymore.

I'm sorry, but that's not how ActivityPub works

@mayday @moffintosh That's how fediblock works. Underlying protocol doesn't matter much.

The idea of fediblock is to share blocklists and apply them collectively. Some extend it further to blocking by association (block not just violators but also their main connections) and blocking by non-compliance (block those who refuse to follow your blocking policy).

This indeed results in breaking the network into constellations unreachable from each other. In open decentralized system like email users expect to have connectivity with the absolute majority of the network. It stops being the case.

Imagine having an email account which blocks traffic with half of most popular mail providers.
@mayday @moffintosh That's how fediblock works. Underlying protocol doesn't matter much.

The idea of fediblock is to share blocklists and apply them collectively. Some extend it further to blocking by association (block not just violators but also their main connections) and blocking by non-compliance (block those who refuse to follow your blocking policy).
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