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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Reality check:

Social engine choice, in isolation, does not corelate strongly with the user's political ideology.

Using Pleroma doesn't make you a nazi. Using Mastodon doesn't make you an antifa. There are Mastodon instances full of nazi. There are a lot of Pleroma instances run by queer, trans and disabled folks.

Hell, there's a lot of queer and trans folks who _develop_ Pleroma. I know a few.

Just... fucking... Don't start judging people around solely by the software they use, awight?


@drq i mean if you're using windows i can safely say you're one of the computer users ever

@drq >unless it's Windows.
That's just one piece of the all the proprietary temptations, but it's still fair game to judge over.
Leonard Ritter

@drq millennials love judging entire user bases by their outliers

@drq I know you wouldn't judge me for using Odnoklassniki.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro Some of my best friends used Odnoklassniki.

Right, @inexcode?

Ilya :twittercheck:

@drq @shuro @inexcode we've all been there. It was popular throughout my ex-classmates (pun intended) to use it around 10 years ago. Now I don't use it at all

Мэйфи Пинк ❄️:pink_heart:​

Этот русский мужик всегда выдаёт базу.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@may Спасибо :)

Но, не всегда, у меня тоже случаются проколы.

@drq I started self hosting pleroma before I'd heard this particular stigma, because I'm getting into elixir and was seeing how it was to run an elixir app and also because it's only two things to run (the app and the database) and not what seems like a wild amount of software to self host.

once I had heard of the stigma, there was a little while I was considering figuring out mastodon to avoid it because of it. But ultimately it seemed entirely backwards to stop using easy to run software because it's somehow associated with nazis 🙃
@drq I started self hosting pleroma before I'd heard this particular stigma, because I'm getting into elixir and was seeing how it was to run an elixir app and also because it's only two things to run (the app and the database) and not what seems like a wild amount of software to self host.
Ави Кафазен

Я использую элементы suckless и значит, что я фашист. Вы не правы, всего хорошего /j


Wait, is Pleroma considered to be a nazi place?

Rhombus Ticks

@drq I mean...Gab kinda tells me what I need to know

@drq @rticks > Gab kinda tells me what I need to know

One day (about two years ago I think?) I got curious about Gab and made an account there to see what it was all about. I expected some really far right types and possibly trash content but to my surprise it seemed just like any normal social network (except LOTS of Trump followers but most of them were kinda normal people). It wasn't worse in that regard than wrong corners of Twitter.

I missed the Fediverse drama Gab caused though but inside it was just your typical Mastodon node with majority of public leaning right.
@drq @rticks > Gab kinda tells me what I need to know

One day (about two years ago I think?) I got curious about Gab and made an account there to see what it was all about. I expected some really far right types and possibly trash content but to my surprise it seemed just like any normal social network (except LOTS of Trump followers but most of them were kinda normal people). It wasn't worse in that...
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rticks "Gab" is not software, though, it's an instance. THE instance, I would say.

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