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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@a1batross Exactly, but if we take this model, and actually make a whole new separate engine out of this or get @LemmyDev to finally coe to their senses (in order for each separate social engine developer to not reinvent the same wheel over and over again), things can get so, SO much more interesting for the whole network!

The Fedi needs a universal standard for groups in order to grow. The level of support by each engine may vary, but the basic functionality MUST be interoperable. This is the only way forward now.

@Chocobozzz @rf @dansup @Gargron @grishka @humanetech @lightone @syuilo @cwebber @lain @sean

1 comment
Gregory replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @a1batross @LemmyDev @Chocobozzz @rf @dansup @Gargron @humanetech @lightone @syuilo @cwebber @lain @sean

Well, I tried to federate with Lemmy yesterday, and it didn't work because it expects inReplyTo to be an array.

Other than that, there's a FEP of mine about publicly-appendable collections, a very common construct in groups:

(I hate this thing about Mastodon, and especially the fact that it eats into your artificial character limit)

@drq @a1batross @LemmyDev @Chocobozzz @rf @dansup @Gargron @humanetech @lightone @syuilo @cwebber @lain @sean

Well, I tried to federate with Lemmy yesterday, and it didn't work because it expects inReplyTo to be an array.

Other than that, there's a FEP of mine about publicly-appendable collections, a very common construct in groups:

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