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Casey Newton

NEW: Twitter has introduced a $4 daily lunch subsidy through an online delivery service to replace its former full-service cafeteria, per an email shared with me. Employees noting this does not even cover the delivery fee

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

@caseynewton it feels like he's trying to Speedrun driving it into the ground

Max Woolf

@caseynewton I read the first sentence and was about to immediately comment with the second

eigenman :chickenroll:

@caseynewton as a sftwr engr I don't know why anybody would want to work there with still so many dev job openings everywhere :ms_shrug:


@caseynewton Management wants to know who's still got time to eat.


@caseynewton So we know he's stopped paying Twitter rent. Has he done any salary cutting for the remaining employees? Were any of the employees who were 'accidentally' terminated able to negotiate pay rises in order to accept re-employment? Are remaining employees being paid more after agreeing to be 'hardcore'?


@caseynewton had to double check I was following the real Casey account because of how absurd this otherwise sounds


@caseynewton I’m just going to assume he is going to demand they work through lunch if they do this.

Jon Henshaw :coywolf:

@caseynewton really looking forward to reading the next Platformer after what’s happened the past couple of days.

Stephen Shankland

@jon @caseynewton Especially if it actually disambiguates all the ambiguities in the new policy.


@jon @caseynewton @stshank What’re the odds that he just brokered a deal to close out his fundraising round with Gulf cash in exchange for Jared becoming CEO? At least 3:1, right?

Mike Davidson

@caseynewton Reminds me of when Howard Schultz had special $3 Starbucks gift cards made for his Sonics employees instead of just using the standard $5 ones. Not even enough for a coffee and tip.

Hyoun Park

@caseynewton this doesn’t even solve the most selfish potential goal of subsidizing lunch, which is to keep people at their desks to work.


@caseynewton also I bet that this subsidy eventually ends up being more expensive than their old cafeteria.

Paul Everton

@caseynewton they did sign up for hardcore twitter lol


@caseynewton world’s richest man seems to be very stingy 😂

Crystal Preston-Watson

@caseynewton I mean it's one lunch delivery in San Francisco. What could it cost, $4?

Steven G. Harms

@caseynewton maybe forcing extremely hardcore people to negotiate the veldt of mid market is designed to stimulate their running muscles to keep insurance costs down.

Rick Williams

@caseynewton I pray you got a good scoop on all these moderation changes.



idk why this is a big deal, Twitter employees should just have their private jets fly something good in?

Soup For My Family

@caseynewton hilarious. I thought this was a bit at first. What a joke of a company


@caseynewton the one thing Elon does well is trolling and this serves as Exhibit A


@caseynewton he's doing it to cover the rent, Casey


@caseynewton it’s bait. Musk is going to fire folks who have time to eat lunch.

Judit Petho

@caseynewton how petty for a company like this, almost worse than not giving anything


@caseynewton four bux! thats like, what, half a latte from bluebottle?

Joost Schuur

@caseynewton Plot twist: Twitter gets a referral bonus.

E.G. Phillips

@caseynewton I get the impressions that stories about being cruel to the remaining Twitter employees are spread specifically to please Musk's base... i.e. right wing trolls who hate Silicon Valley workers because of their "wokeness"

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