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Mike Masnick ✅

Lol. Musk is seeing the exodus, so he's trying to bar the doors as everyone rushes for the exits.

No more linking to other social networks or sharing your username.

Such free speech.

Chasalin 🦣

@mmasnick on the bright side: PixelFed and Friendica are still allowed ;)

Reed Maxwell

@mmasnick this is the warning you get when you follow a link to Mastodon from Twitter ("spammy" LOL):

Bobson Wong

@mmasnick This is utterly ridiculous. But not surprising.

Raleigh Straight

@mmasnick That’s going to get *so many* #artists, #writers, #gamedev and #twitch and #youtube creators banned. Elmo clearly has no idea how valuable #twitter is as a PR outlet.

Joseph Simko


This is certainly the death knell of Twitter. Countless people have links to their other content in their bios.

It's really an amazing story of a crazy collapse. Elon is lighting 44 billion on fire and dancing around the flames.

Fons Goudsmit

I read somewhere that within short these practices will be forbidden by EU law.
It is distortion of competition.
Google tries to do this too.


@mmasnick this is doubly frustrating since most programs like debirdify and such use the profile information. But I am hopeful that it will help more people realize how far he IS going to push things and that it is not worth staying there any longer. You are feeding the beast tearing off your arm.

Summer Breeze

@mmasnick Not sure whether the Berlin Wall or the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory is a better metaphor for this.

Patrick K Briney 🇺🇸

@mmasnick See what he is doing makes me laugh… It’s like sticking your finger in a hole to plug a leaking dam. I think we all know how this is going to workout…. What a joke it all is…


@mmasnick People don't want to be caught in the burning building.


@mmasnick Elon couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag

Aaron DeVries


Well, I never thought that I would be in violation of Twitter’s user agreement. This is where we are. The platform is a zombie.


@mmasnick elon being a fucking idiot, instance: #3249872389457


@mmasnick Free speech my a**

I just closed my Twitter account when i read this earlier.

Also they refused to take action against a 100%% racist tweet - I was informed tonight. Ban of journalists and much more, including accepting Trump back.

I can not support Twitter or Alon with actions like these.


@mmasnick this is the hump that finally pushed me over the edge into making a mastodon account just now. He's gonna streisand this too just like the jet location thing.

Alex Zani

@mmasnick I would love for someone to weigh in re:anti-trust.

Andy :batman:

@mmasnick he’s so ignorant about it I bet they only consider / auto moderate accounts 😂

Magick Man

@mmasnick the desperation is really setting in! I think he’ll sell about $10 billion more in TSLA stock over the next 3 months, then he’ll declare bankruptcy and shut everything down.
The banks will require Elno to make them whole (they are writing off portions of the debt now) so that will be even more billions he’ll be flushing down the toilet.
Maybe he should have carried in a toilet instead of a sink.

Matt Stine

@mmasnick really irritates me that my account has been in violation of this new policy for almost 2 months and I'm still not suspended

DemocracyMatters :verified:

@mmasnick So stupid...unless nailing the coffin is his intent.


@mmasnick Even his defenders are not gonna like this. Looking forward to screenshots of priceless comments

Dan Davis

@mmasnick Apartheid a weird flex for a social media platform.

Kevin McGuire

@mmasnick I’m not jumping off of Twitter (yet) but it’s stuff like that which gets me to invest more time on alternative options like Mastadon.


@mmasnick lowkey wanna reactivate my twitter so that i can get officially kicked off

IPng Networks

@mmasnick @eirliani I can’t believe what I’m reading. Linking to other social networks is now a terminable offense! Fascinating. I wonder if my tombstone post on the bird site will get my presence destroyed.

Eirliani A Rahman

@IPngNetworks @mmasnick Yeah, same here. Waiting with bated breath (not).


@mmasnick hopefully this results in more subs on mastadon. Need to get to critical mass then bye bye twitter


@mmasnick this going to far, was never a problem to promote your other social media platforms profiles, he is taking it as a war!

Boss aka Alfred E. Neumän

@mmasnick has Elon Musk any liasion to Erich Honecker (former President of GDR) or brick builders?



"The acid test for any two competing socioeconomic systems is which side needs to build a wall to keep people from escaping? That’s the bad one!" -Musk 6 months ago

PIers Young

@mmasnick thought this was an interesting response about how the policy violates EU regulation

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mmasnick So this is, finally, an open declaration of war.

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