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Sean Heber

You can make a QR code for any Mastodon link and it works fine on Twitter. Just thought I'd mention that for no reason. 🤓 #ProTip #TwitterPurge #Twitter

Eric Fox

@bigzaphod Musk managed to make Mastadon seem edgy 😆

Chris De Jabet

@bigzaphod Neat, Mastoot even uses iOS’s Live Text to make the QR code tappable.

Tom H

@bigzaphod coincidentally, if you'd like a tour of some really bad UX decisions, free QR code generator websites are a great place to go.

Sean Heber

@tomh they're terrible. I used Adobe's and took a screenshot - they wanted me to sign up to download it. lol

Stephen Sweet

@bigzaphod @tomh I used Adobe's generator too. As I already have an account, it worked out fine. Just another little thing that makes having an Adobe account even better value. 🤣

Sean Heber

@WolfStar76 I've been hearing that they tend to only work once - after Twitter has opened them and knows what the link goes, they start to warn and you need to generate a new one.



What an absolutely free speech oriented system this is.


@jswright61 @bigzaphod
Yeah, it makes me realise how old I am🤭😉

@DetersHenning I’ve never done this before so feeling a bit stupid.

Do I just put the https:// hyperlink version in the text box for the QR code?”


I’ve created a QCode (I think) but don’t seem to be able to copy and paste it to me Twitter profile.

Am I being dim?

Henning Deters

@Fascinatorfun I don't think you can paste it into your profile, but you can post it as an image and "pin" the post so it always stays on top of your timeline. Maybe add a description too.


@bigzaphod but how do you take a picture of the QR code when it’s on your phone?

Sean Heber

@sanguish some apps have the iOS feature turned on that recognizes stuff in images. Or save to photos. Or whatever. Mostly it’s just fun because it’s likely going to annoy someone at Twitter.


@bigzaphod oh yeah, this is just a general gripe about Qr

It’s bonkers that they’re blocking mastodon urls. I suppose it’s possible that there is mass reporting that’s automatically clagging them.

But most likely it’s the billionaire incel.

Sean Heber

@sanguish yeah I think this is 100% intentional and targeted.

Brian Hawthorne

@bigzaphod @glennf You can also put links in the Alt Text for images

Fernando Mateus

@bigzaphod thank you 🙏 I’ve created mine and I’m gonna post it on Twitter.

Gary Gough

@bigzaphod that is much like the way I used to comment on things on Twitter when I knew the system would block an entry over a word out of context. It had no way to parse images for sarcasm.


@bigzaphod I love this because you know Musk will task some poor engineer with building a QR code scanner now to try and fight it.

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