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Dan Luu

@artt Yeah, I've heard the "strong performers should be able to..." line a lot, but IMO it pretty obviously falls flat since all of the highest performers (measured by either my judgment or the company's) have the complaint, e.g., I'm told I was the 2nd highest paid person at my band at LastJob and I believe I know all of the top N and we all had the exact same complaint.

At larger companies, I didn't know all of the top N, but all of the highest performing people I knew had the same complaint.

1 comment
Dan Luu

@artt IMO, in terms of effectiveness, it's a major red (or a least yellow) flag for someone to give the "strong performers should be able to..." line since only someone who's ineffective and doesn't get a lot done (or actually owns the company, a la Zuck or Musk) could imagine that there are people who are persuasive enough to not run into these barriers when pushing high-impact projects.

Anyone who has enough of a mental model of how orgs work to be effective couldn't have that fantasy.

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