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anyway, let's try and get this machine running. i have a funny feeling the video isn't going to work right...


sure enough, the machine chimes, but the video is blank. but i think i know what the problem is.


sure enough, there's no PRAM battery. these machines need that battery or you won't get video!


but where am i going to get a PRAM battery at this hour?


all i have is this 9V battery. 🤔

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

and we have working video! now for the most important question of the day: what version of Mac OS should i put on it?

DELETED replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime system 7.5

Always worked for me

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

i'm going to create a SCSI disk image for my SCSI2SD using BasiliskII and the instructions at

Jim Murphy replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime As a new hire at Apple I authored the 7.5 installer script. I moved on to doing software engineering on the OS by 7.5.3, but that always gives me a nice feeling to see it still running.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

before i can use the Apple IIe card, looks like i'll need to recap it. 😬

King Calyo replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Nah that's just some unmelted solder paste~ ;p

Jeff Haluska replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime I like to think you have a stock room full of capacitors.

Sergio Aguayo replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime It wouldn't be fun without recapping 😆

Empathic Qubit replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime I recapped my SNES a few months ago to protect it. Unfortunately I think it has some problems with one of the ICs. Graphics are all weird. Also replaced the vreg even though the output from that looked fine.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

I was having trouble because I was putting the *volume* image into the SCSI2SD rather than the *disk* image. turns out partition tables are important lol

Raj Patel replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Such a comforting boot screen. Diagnosing Extension conflicts not so much.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

I mean it's a large volume but should it really take an hour to mount?

solient replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime wow I forgot all the partition options the Classic era disk formatting tools had.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

trying something else. unfortunately this didn't seem to work, I suspect the HFS partition needs to come before the ProDOS partitions.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

well this explains why it was hanging. there's probably some setting on the SCSI2SD that's not exactly right.

Karl Gutwin replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Seeing this is dredging up ancient memories of playing with not-new SCSI gear as a kid… staring at the baroque arrangement of peripherals, utterly confused as to why it wouldn’t just WORK.
Kids these days don’t know they have it so good, what with their “universal serial bus” and all. You don’t even have to worry about device IDs! Or bus termination!

Tube🌱Time replied to Karl

@kgutwin it's still a confusing mess when it comes to USB 3.0/3.1/Gen 1/Gen 2/3.2 Gen 1x2/2x2 and all the weird alternate mode issues.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

turns out this hang was caused by the SCSI2SD firmware, which was uhh shamefully out of date. with the latest version it works and i can partition the drive!

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

it also turns out that MacOS wants to be the first data partition (i had the two ProDOS partitions first.) but it works now!

Dean Segovis replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Memories of SE30s, Classics and a few Quadras in a graphics shop I worked at in 92. I used Filemaker Pro to manage work flow and create job tickets. Great relational database program.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

but I still need to repair the Apple IIe card.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

only had these poscaps hanging around. yes they're very fancy but they'll work.

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

wow, it totally worked! is it an Apple IIe or is it a Performa 475? why not both!

Tube🌱Time replied to Tube🌱Time

i figured out how to change the startup sound to "Quack" which makes me think of the Quapple (my Apple II ISA card that i cloned a while back)

Travis Geiselbrecht replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Oooh that looks fun. Alas all I have in the classic mac world is a Mac SE with no slots.
But I do have a Apple IIe, so I guess that's second best.

Kevix (he/him) :debian: replied to Tube🌱Time

I'm on a apple ii group on facebook and in the 90s I had a Performa 475 I think but never had the apple II card. There is a mastodon apple program I think?

Travis Geiselbrecht replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Yeah I've had mixed results with the SCSI2SD and random old hardware. A particularly weird one is suddenly the same one I've had forever stopped working on my Microvax. Used to work, now doesn't, no explanation.
Guess I should logic analyze that one.

Piotr Esden-Tempski replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime fuzzy feet... not so nice on caps 😬 🦶 💇

davekeogh replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime any recommendations for 68000 emulators? I remember using one must be nearly twenty years ago now, but it had a nice gui with the register contents and possibly a few LEDs. Had to build a 68k dsp in college. Would love to play with some assembly again.

AJ from Sweden replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime Never even crossed my mind that this was even a thing… 😮🥳

Fritz Adalis replied to Tube🌱Time

Weird, all the ones I've taken apart had 6 skinny batteries vertically.

Raker de W4WWW replied to Tube🌱Time

@tubetime TIL modern 9v batteries use 3x 1/2 AA 3v cells and not 6x AAAA 1.5v cells anymore!

Tube🌱Time replied to Raker de W4WWW

@w4www_raker only the energizer lithium ones, the others use the weird thin stacked cells thing

Justin Skists replied to Tube🌱Time

Huh! TIL that batteries are made from smaller batteries!

Jeff Haluska

@tubetime Never thought you'd need a battery for video.

Michael Engel

@tubetime Thanks for this hint – my LC475 is working again now using the MacBatt PCB which replaces the lithium battery with a CR2032 coin cell

Axel Hartmann

@tubetime someone heard you like apple, so they put an apple in your apple

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