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Григорий Клюшников

Update. Roskomnadzor has backtracked and deemed it redundant to collect passport details and addresses during new user registration on social networks and messengers. According to RIA Novosti, filling in this information won’t be required, even if a user is providing consent for the processing of their personal data through Roskomnadzor’s information system.

Изначально идея казалось абсолютно идиотической. Типа, чтобы дать согласие на обработку данных, дайте нам ещё больше данных о себе... ну такое.

Update. Roskomnadzor has backtracked and deemed it redundant to collect passport details and addresses during new user registration on social networks and messengers. According to RIA Novosti, filling in this information won’t be required, even if a user is providing consent for the processing of their personal data through Roskomnadzor’s information system.


@grishka @sasha_sorokin хайпят на своей безмозглости

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