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I've been working on this on an off for almost a year and it sets up a solid foundation for future new features and improvements.

It's also the first time I'm meaningfully charging for my work, which is incredibly nerve-wracking 🫣

Any re-toots/posts/blogs would help a ton 🧡

Jordan Borth

@rafa wow, great work. All the details are 🤌 Is it all SwiftUI?


@jordanborth thanks so much Jordan! All of the views are SwiftUI, but everything else is AppKit.


@jordanborth not sure, lots of WWDC sessions, some of Apple tutorials and lots. of. googling!

Jordan Borth

@rafa amazing. Hope the launch goes well. Congratulations on shipping!

Benjamin Dauton

@rafa I'm still using the beta and I'd like to buy the real version to support your work. Will you stop releasing beta versions for now so I can switch to the store version or do you still need feedbacks from the upcoming beta versions (and I have to switch to the store version, buy it, remove it and reinstall the beta via TestFlight 😄)?


@bdauton I’ll probably keep a TestFlight version around to test new versions but it will be minor fixes for a little bit.

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