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πŸš€ Hand Mirror v2 is out now and Mastodon is the first one to know about it!

It's a complete rewrite of the original and it includes Smart Windows, custom positioning, window masks, Notch Trigger, alternate icons, and a lot more.

Check the thread for some of my favorite little Design Detailsβ„’ and Easter Eggs 🧡 β†’


Most of the Settings UI is custom while hopefully still feeling like it belongs in macOS.

The wallpaper in the preview area matches your light/dark mode state and the macOS version you're in.

Also the label changes from Square to Squircle if you make the corners *too* round.


The plan is that I will always tease whatever the next big feature I'm working on is β€” and while it's technically *redacted* if you're persistent with your clicking you can reveal it πŸ‘€


For the app icon, you can now show it in the Dock and I took some liberties with the "Big Sur shape" to add a handle and make it slightly more vertical while still making it "fit the grid".


You can click the "Hand Mirror Plus" label will to change it everywhere in the app for whatever silly new one you like best.

If you've unlocked it you can interact with the grid background

Oh and you can meet the me in the app, say hi πŸ‘‹


"Settings" is called "Preferences" if you're not on Ventura.

And if you unlocked "generously", it'll be mentioned in a lot of other screens too.


In the About screen, you can drag the curtain of the app icon to see yourself in the mirror πŸͺž

Manuel Kehl

@rafa really love the attention to detail and playfulness 🀩


If you try to turn off Hand Mirror Plus… you just can't, you paid for it so it's yours. No take backsies.


During the onboarding I had to make sure you were reading, and not just clicking around blindly πŸ˜…


That "Notch" icon is just an upside down "Dock" SF Symbol.


For the landing page I ended up building a fake menu bar (with a real clock) and a demo of the actual app!

Also all the assets change to adapt to dark or light mode πŸŒ“


@rafa I like the idea to try it out directly from the browser! πŸ™‚


@onuryrk it's very limited, but I hope it's "fun" πŸ˜…


@rafa haha ☺️ Congratulations on the launch πŸš€πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


I've been working on this on an off for almost a year and it sets up a solid foundation for future new features and improvements.

It's also the first time I'm meaningfully charging for my work, which is incredibly nerve-wracking 🫣

Any re-toots/posts/blogs would help a ton 🧑

Jordan Borth

@rafa wow, great work. All the details are 🀌 Is it all SwiftUI?


@jordanborth thanks so much Jordan! All of the views are SwiftUI, but everything else is AppKit.


@jordanborth not sure, lots of WWDC sessions, some of Apple tutorials and lots. of. googling!

Jordan Borth

@rafa amazing. Hope the launch goes well. Congratulations on shipping!

Benjamin Dauton

@rafa I'm still using the beta and I'd like to buy the real version to support your work. Will you stop releasing beta versions for now so I can switch to the store version or do you still need feedbacks from the upcoming beta versions (and I have to switch to the store version, buy it, remove it and reinstall the beta via TestFlight πŸ˜„)?


@bdauton I’ll probably keep a TestFlight version around to test new versions but it will be minor fixes for a little bit.

andr3 :gitlab:

@rafa Uh! Breaking news on mastodon.

Grabbin' it hot off the oven! πŸ”₯

Crystal Dionysopoulos

@rafa really cool, congrats!!

What did you use to screen record and follow your cursor?


@rafa Congrats! I was using Mirror Magnet (via Setapp) but it never remembers the last cam.

Ale MuΓ±oz

@rafa I didn’t even read the changelog before hitting that Buy button. Congrats for shipping this!

Alex Mazanov

@rafa I’d like to report a bug - the app is to slick! Congrats!

Jan FrΓΌchtl

@rafa Congrats on the launch. All these little details are just ✨ ✨ ✨

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