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LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

"5 principles of readable code: KISS, YAGNI, DRY, BDUF and Occam's Razor"

Is the funniest sentence I've ever read.

Meriel :leafeon:

@Deiru what are yagni and dbuf supposed to be? never heard of them lol

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

@stolas_mk2 @omni Big Design Up Front doesn't imply writing things you don't need yet, it implies determining the exact set of things that you need and how best to write them before you actually commit to writing them.


@Deiru BDUF doesn't even make sense here. This is literally just someone throwing terms together into a senctence that they have picked up somewhere before.

LUV MUVER 2001 :nyombimery:

@bink I mean, BDUF actually makes sense and fits with the other terms, it's just that it can be better described by saying "Plan your project", same for every other acronym.

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