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Imagine thinking this is a democracy. I swear y'all. Who is getting anything they want or need except the absolute worst people

I really need a lot more people to stop talking about democracy like it's something we have


democracy is when you vote, and the more you vote, the more democracy it it is

Brandon "Dreg Mangler" Kirkman

@InternetEh The entirety of the US has been cultivated to just go with what the ultra rich want and need to keep doing to be ultra rich and I gotta say: it sure is silly (bad kind of silly)!

Ethan 🌒

@InternetEh and there’s like…. so many fucking holes?

felons losing the franchise

national party conventions


voter suppression

campaign costs

campaign contributions

it just all falls apart the instant you look at it


@Ethancdavenport it is so odd to me how people can on the one hand know all this, and still talk about democracy. Two contradictory ideas in the same head.

Ethan 🌒

@InternetEh that’s false consciousness babeeeeeeeey


@Ethancdavenport and they go around all day pointing out when conservatives have cognitive dissonance

Ethan 🌒

@InternetEh well “progressive” liberalism is the highest evolution of political thought dontcha know

settler-colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism are fine as long as they’re nicer about it and that’s all there is to say on the matter

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