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Maartje :omya_sncb:

You walk away from the christmas tree for 5 minutes and this happens…

Gallen NFC#3536

I love your instance XD while I'm not moving from mine anytime soon, your first rule means I can't join haha. Great photo btw :3


@sequentialsnep @maartje Does it count if there's one in the family? My daughter's has been injured and "repaired" so often it looks very little like a shark these days...

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@eaterofsnacks @sequentialsnep I think there is 😄 rule number 1 is written to not have people here who do not relate to how cuddly the blahaj is :blobhajmlem:


@maartje @sequentialsnep Hah! Literally won't go to sleep without it. If Sharky has been in the wash then he dries out on a chair beside the bed. 🤦

Beeljo The Dude

@conejo @maartje I was thinking more along the lines of...

🎶Baby shark (doot doot doot doot doot)....


@maartje Hajnachtsbaum! (Doesn't work in Dutch :( )


@zhenech @maartje But I think it would work well in Slovak: “žraločný stromček”.

(or in Polish-Swedish hybrid: “hainka”)


@maartje blahaj in tree !! where will they go next !!


@maartje in November? Well... the early... umm, shark?

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@rschmied they are sharks their sense of time is not that good

Nicolas Chinardet

@maartje "Sharknado 45, this time the Claus are out"?


@maartje You appear to live with good people!

$k313t0n :archlinux:

@maartje well the real problem here is the fact that you already have a tree. it's literally november.

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@sk313t0n you know how long it takes to 3D print all your ornaments? 😅

Ada Nice instance name! We are sisters instances in the #fediverse :)


@maartje if you use whales instead it would be a cetaceannenbaum

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@ScribblingOn Places on the internet like aliexpress :) a search for pink shark plush will get you there


@maartje I see nothing to improve there 😄


@maartje "I'm... sorry to be the one to tell you, but after testing, we've determined... your tree has...


or maybe dolphins.

We're still not sure. More tests are needed. I'm sorry."

Ruben Vermeersch

@maartje woah, oppassen Maartje, de Sint is nog niet langsgeweest!


@maartje this is the preferred outcome :blobCookie:


@maartje This looks cool. Makes a change to trinkets and baubles. I found Ty DC Comics Beanie Babies on mine the other day.

Amol Patil :mastodon:

@maartje all i see are adorable ornaments on a Christmas tree. What am i missing


@maartje LOL the shark looking at them is hilarious 😂


@maartje You're not going to be putting any more decorations on THAT tree, it's not safe to go there.


this is really funny but the thing that caught me off-guard was there's a whole Mastodon instance dedicated to blahaj


@maartje This is so funny. Never know what will happen when you aren’t looking do you?


@maartje O_O there is a pink blahaj!?! *rushes to ikea*


@maartje where did you get the pink one from. I have six blahaj awaiting your reply to🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈

Cyber Zombie

@maartje that's a Xmas tree I could get on board with

Aaron Crocco ✅

@maartje 👋🏻 Hello fellow Blahaj owner!!

OMG there’s a Blahaj instance of Mastodon????

Christine Hall

@maartje You've containerized your Christmas tree lights?

Pog Elemental
@maartje It's their Christmas tree now. Your fault, your negligence.

Now if you have a cat, it's still redeemable.


What a blessed tree. Would pair nicely with a topper in the shape of an estrogen molecule diagram

Sredni Eel

@maartje I once walked away from a christmas tree, and came back to find three full sized iguanas sprawled in it as it lay on the floor around the wreckage of ornaments.


@maartje In Germany we say "Frohe Hainachten"


@maartje oh no now i have to make a Christmas tree

Willow MacIvor

@maartje trans shark trans shark trans shark trans shark trans shark trans shark


@maartje You walk away from the christmas village for 5 minutes and this happens...

CM Harrington

@maartje @nothe this is amazing. Just a few more and maybe a starfish at the top and WOW!! Perfect!!

James M. Smith

I'd make some sort of Baby Shark reference, but I know better.


@maartje is this "Hi" from #FreeSewing

Anyway, of you like a custom Shark with other colour or size, the patterns on FreeSewing are free and parametric.

Îlon Mouske

@maartje when the Christmas spirit tries to give you a hint on whether to start HRT or not


@maartje if I walk away for another 5 will now spawn?

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