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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@aral Not really "breeds" so much as "selects for".

Joseph Jude

1. what are the alternatives?
2. Is it the issue here capitalism or american form of capitalism?

David Brookes πŸ”ΆπŸŽΈ

@aral It certainly does but I am a capitalist but also a social liberal. Is the phone to blame for an abusive caller?

Aral Balkan

@Deembe Depends if the phone rewards abusive callers or not.


@aral If I could choose between an asshole or a dictator the choice would not be very hard.

Looking at the "grean left socialists" we are now headed towards communism at an alarming rate.

I would rather have someone in charge who does not care about people than someone who cares about one kind of people and wants to do horrible stuff to the rest...

Aral Balkan

@mark With apologies to George Orwell, β€œthe creatures outside looked from asshole to dictator, and from dictator to asshole, and from asshole to dictator again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

β€œsomeone who cares about one kind of people and wants to do horrible stuff to the rest...” ← you just described every scumbag billionaire CEO :)

Aral Balkan

@babyrazzs Hahaha, that word’s definitely going into my lexicon. Merci :)

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