That's a gorgeous view and a spectacular photo.
But, like, which Dickens novel is the aspirational one? Admittedly I've only read four of them (and it was a long time ago) but I don't remember a desire to live in any of them.
@LaCrecerelle But, like, which Dickens novel is the aspirational one? Admittedly I've only read four of them (and it was a long time ago) but I don't remember a desire to live in any of them. 3 comments
@kims @LaCrecerelle I’ve always thought Great Expectations would be fun to live in, as an unnamed, background character. So many interesting (and bizarre!) people in that one! @InayaShujaat @LaCrecerelle |
@LaCrecerelle @kims A Christmas Carol perhaps. This BBC story provides an intersecting perspective on how & why Dickens created the myth of a white Christmas in Britain.