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I do love my neighbourhood when it snows. It's like I'm in a Dickens novel.

Bill Bittner (He/Him)

@LaCrecerelle For a moment I thought that was a painting. Beautiful.


@LaCrecerelle Such an inviting image! I absolutely love London. I can only imagine how much more beautiful it is when it snows! 😍


@pnwres @LaCrecerelle snow has that magic ability to make even the drabbest places beautiful. 😊


@timrichards @LaCrecerelle St Mary Le Strand Church on the Strand in central London.

Kim Scheinberg

That's a gorgeous view and a spectacular photo.

But, like, which Dickens novel is the aspirational one? Admittedly I've only read four of them (and it was a long time ago) but I don't remember a desire to live in any of them.

Nina Bernstein

@LaCrecerelle @kims A Christmas Carol perhaps. This BBC story provides an intersecting perspective on how & why Dickens created the myth of a white Christmas in Britain.


@kims @LaCrecerelle I’ve always thought Great Expectations would be fun to live in, as an unnamed, background character. So many interesting (and bizarre!) people in that one!

Kim Scheinberg

@InayaShujaat @LaCrecerelle
I loved Bleak House, but I hated GE so much, I could barely make it through the Cliff Notes. Just the words Pip and Miss Havisham give me a shudder, but maybe I should give it another try.

Tofu Golem

If it weren't for cars, I would *love* winter.

Mad Hildebrandt

@LaCrecerelle Lovely! I won’t get snow until I head East later this week!


@LaCrecerelle georgeous! Im absolutely jealous. I mean, if I have to endure snow, it’d be nice to have an image like this to look at.


Beautiful ❄❄❄❄❄


@LaCrecerelle WHERE IS THIS??? I wanna be there!!!


@LaCrecerelle just shoveled my walk n drive for the first time this season. ❀️ Yours is a much nicer walk though, a beauty.


@LaCrecerelle That's funny because you are in a Dicken's Novel.


@Bargdaffy @LaCrecerelle Nothing liberal about this pair - they are just cold-hearted callous neoconservatives.

8-Bit Boyz

@LaCrecerelle This really does look like a Dickens novel. Very awesome!!


So there are poor people starving to death around the corner, covered in snow blackened by coal soot?


@CP93 I mean yes - there are people freezing and starving to death in london this very second.

Caroline Winfield

@LaCrecerelle I loathe snow with a deep and burning passion, but that IS very pretty!


@LaCrecerelle Looks like a beautiful, winter postcard!


@LaCrecerelle let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..

Alison BOOK

@LaCrecerelle Looks like a painting! So beautiful 😍

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