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Carl T. Bergstrom

Twitter has been an amazingly valuable platform for scientists over the years, and it was integral to coordinate global scientific activity during the early part of the COVID pandemic.

Sadly, we live in a world where one malignantly narcissistic billionaire can destroy all of that for lulz and the adulation of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

I've locked my account and will be deleting the content as I figure out the right way to do it.

Carl T. Bergstrom

I feel as though some of my threads over there are an legitimate if minor part of the scientific record — for example, the thread that laid out, 24 hours after the IHME model was first posted, why it would fail, and the follow-up three weeks later using its daily predictions and updates to validate that assessment.

I hate to simply vaporize these.

Anyway, it was a good run and I just figured I ought to note my decision here.

Loukas Christodoulou

@ct_bergstrom I'll be doing the same. Let us know what method of deletion you find to be the best.

David in Setouchi

@ct_bergstrom I understand your feeling. Me staying there is hanging by a thread at the moment (basically only because I have a small following and can use it "in a bubble").
In any case, when I need to delete old tweets, I use this:

Bill Hooker

@ct_bergstrom I hope you grabbed your archive already. You did solid public health service work, better than the apparatchik ridden CDC, and certainly saved lives.


@ct_bergstrom it truly has become a sinister place over there. on top of elon's awful right wing posts, he's boosting right wingers in the algorithm. right wing scumbags who i dont even follow pop up in my feed all the time and its happening to everyone

Half Cocked Law

@ct_bergstrom May I suggest using to archive threads you believe to be worth saving? Obviously this may be time consuming, so focusing on the most important threads is useful.

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