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Brewster Kahle

The Great 78 Project twitter bot is now on Mastodon!

Each hour it posts 1 newly digitized 78rpm record you can play.

Give it a shot-- it is nice to have something good happening out there in Internet-landia.


go @internetarchive !


@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive Oh, neat! Are the terms on which these are posted such that pre-1927 recordings can be assumed to be public domain?

Bob Stepno


I wondered if @great78 at @internetarchive had recordings that fit the odd hashtag of the day,

Sure it does! From to ! ( Which reminds me that once wrote, "Some people don't even care if Jimmy crack corn," but I doubt that was ever released on a 78 RPM record.


I wondered if @great78 at @internetarchive had recordings that fit the odd hashtag of the day,

Sure it does! From to ! ( Which reminds me that once wrote, "Some people don't even care if Jimmy crack corn," but I doubt that was ever released on a 78 RPM record.


@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive thank you for sharing - this is one of my favorite things!

Call me Gamora

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive @BuffytVSSummers Thought you'd enjoy this account! Each hour it posts 1 newly digitized 78rpm record you can play.

Imdat :heart_nb: :verified:

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive @jalefkowit Wow! This is absolutely lovely! Thank you! (Which reminds me: I definitely must donate to Internet Archive…)

Imdat :heart_nb: :verified:

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive @jalefkowit … and done!

And now the obligatory call-to-action: Please donate to the Internet Archive. They are doing fantastic work to preserve Human Knowledge. Thank you!

Per Funke

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive

Just listening to "Africa Music Rythmns in the Jungle"👍 👍
Thank you!

Ed Summers

@brewsterkahle nice! it might be nicer if it didn't post every hour, maybe once a day?

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