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Eugen Rochko

Proud of how the server architecture of and the code of Mastodon is keeping up with the load, but wishing for this to transform into new Mastodon servers springing up.

If you were considering starting a Mastodon server, right now would be a pretty good time. Anyone can do it from source, see docs:

There are also hosting providers (not affiliated with me) which are super easy to work with without technical knowledge, like and

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pela0 👽

@Gargron Very, very impressive... Great work...

♦️ enby of the state ♦️

@Gargron i used for a while and Hugo provided top-notch service. he made it super simple, got the instance spun up in no time, and kept it running smoothly. big recommend, i plan to hire him again at some point


@Gargron Are there any ressources on how to anonymously host Mastodon? When I think about hosting a public service like this, legal issues are my main concern.

Pau Riba

@Gargron Hi again, what are the requeriments for a nice machine? I just discover this but it is brillant and I want to contribute ;)

So in the docs don't talk about the server requeriments...


@Gargron Congratulations Eugen, I saw your other boosted post where mastodon was showed on the national tv. Also people in Italy is getting to know about your social network, you can pratically overcome in users Twitter just in the 2020 like an hurricane of users lol, good luck for the new year!

La Liberación de Berlín

@Gargron It really does look like it's really well built. What programming language is it built on?


@Gargron Congratulations, and thank you so much for your work!!


@Gargron ... and I wish to ask you something I couldn't find: real requirements for a server (hardaware)? I'm thinking about something small-medium...


@Gargron if I were to run my own instance, is it possible to disable federation to not show stuff from other servers? It's for a family group.


@Gargron i have a question, (srry for muy English), I want to make an instance for role-playing games, what would you advise me, Debian or Ubuntu for the server?


@Gargron It's amazing, I wish I have a project like this in the future

Eugen Rochko

☝️ If you started a new server for the Spanish community, let me know and I'll give you a shout out.

There's a few basic requirements for it to be listed on as well, such as having a backup admin ("bus factor" 😅) and having some basic rules against harassment, so if you pass those as well I'll gladly put your server on

Here those requirements are spelled out:


Are there any obstacles to running Mastodon in a FreeBSD jail?

Celso Alvarez Cáccamo

@Gargron Eugen, we would need savvy people to run a server. Also, many newcomers to this instance (as myself) would be reluctant to move to another instance and risk losing followers etc.

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