@docpop @molly0xfff Social solutions to technological problems - reordering society to work around failures of technology - also suck.
@docpop @molly0xfff Social solutions to technological problems - reordering society to work around failures of technology - also suck. 3 comments
@pikolman @bencurthoys I felt that this was half of my job leading a small tech team in a growing startup. @autistic_enby @pikolman oh god the number of times I have had to say no to "a button here that does X". I listen to my customers when they tell me about their business needs, what they are trying to achieve, but their proposed solutions (usually a button that relies on the software being psychic) are almost always shit. |
@bencurthoys @docpop @molly0xfff
In a complex world, most first-order solutions usually fail...
Is far better to address the underlying conditions beneath... (second/nth order causality, sometimes nonlinear/wicked)
Unfortunately, the majority don't want/can't understand that...